Sunday, January 13, 2008

YELLOW HOUSE CASE prosecutorial vindictiveness U.S. Justice Department PROSECUTOR'S PERJURY INDICTMENT

This has got to be the strangest indictment ever in the history of The Kansas U.S. Department of Justice! A case of ''prosecutorial vindictiveness'' Aquired with perjury testimony presented to a Grand Jury by Prosecutor Marietta Parker to intentionally distort the truth.

News of the 19 count Federal indictment was released to the media 3 days before the defendants Guy and Carrie Neighbors were even officially served or notified of the charges!

That’s right the Neighbors found out about their indictment while sitting in front of the TV watching the 6pm news Wednesday evening!

The next day Customers and the media were calling the Neighbors about the latest 19 count Federal indictment. The Neighbors had no idea what was going on, "what indictment?" Carrie Neighbors called her attorney Phil Gibson and asked him if she and her husband Guy had been indicted. He replied "he had not heard anything about it" he then proceeded to check his emails and messages; he informed Carrie that he did not know anything.

The two Government agencies (The postal service and the IRS) investigating the case removed themselves prior to the indictment.
Yet the next day two agents Postal Inspector David Nitz and I.R.S. Agent Rob Jackson showed up at the Yellow House Store with a copy of the indictment. They told the defendants they would not be arrested this time; they were just to show up in court on Thursday.

However because the Agents were no longer involved with the case, the serving of the indictment was not official!
The Neighbors were served a second time at the Justice Department Just one hour before going before the Judge by a U.S. Marshall, and informed “now its official”

The Indictment was officially announced on the U.S. Department of Justice Website press release page. However because the Postal Inspector and IRS had both stepped down from the case and there was no official Government Agency backing the charges, the Justice dept. told a little white lie (also called a false written statement or purjury) and put at the bottom of the press release that the case had been investigated by the FBI!!!

At the bottom of this page is the 19 count indictment.
As you can see on the last page, the complainant agency is listed as "The Lawrence Kansas Police Department, officer Mickey Rantz."
So Guy Neighbors went to the LKPD to file a formal complaint regarding the indictment. He was informed by Lawrence Kansas Police Sgt. Paul Fellers that the LKPD had no involvement with the arrest or indictment. He stated quote "Its Federal".

How can a complainant agency not have anything to do with the charges?

Here are my questions...
How can a Federal Indictment not have any federal Agencies backing up the Indictment?

How can a Federal Indictment list the Lawrence Kansas Police dept and a street patrol police officer as the complainant agency?

How can a Federal Indictment have most of the Warrants and Subpoenas issued by a District Court Judge instead of a Federal judge, even after the District court Attorney Charles Branson refused to take the case?

Why would a Federal Prosecutor Terra Morehead & Marietta Parker take a case that is based Solly on hearsay by people with no credibility?

Why would Federal Prosecutor's Terra Morehead & Marietta Parker take a case the Prosecuting District Attorney charles Branson in Lawrence Kansas did not want to prosecute?

Why would a Federal Prosecutor Marietta Parker & Terra Morehead under the direction of Eric Melgren take a case that only has circumstantial non-credible evidence?

Why would a Federal Prosecutor take a case that requires perjury testimony to get an indictment?

see the 19 count egregious indictment:


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