Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Lawrence Kansas police Officer Mike McAtee threatens Lawsuit against Yellow House owners for Slander

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During the course of the ongoing investigation by the Lawrence Police Dept. against a second hand business The Yellow House, numerous slanderous statements, defaming the reputations of the business and its owners have been made by the U.S. Justice Department and by The Lawrence Police Department.

making public statements, singling out and labeling the Yellow House as fencers of stolen property, Money launderers, drug traffickers and distributors, then pursuing the investigation vigorously and with disregard for the defendants or their associates civil rights. The Lawrence Kansas Police Department even showing a disregard towards their own policies and procedures.

A Lawrence Police officer has hired a Law firm from Missouri to notify the Owners of the Yellow House that he is pursuing slander allegations against them.

Perhaps in another attempt by this police dept. to intimidate and harrass the business owners? This police department has truly sunk to a new low!

See Letter: Detective Mike McAtee letter to sue Yellow House
For close up view:http://picasaweb.google.com/guysmileys/YellowHouseOwnerSuedForSlanderByLawrencePoliceDetective/photo#5049956779493514850

Lawrence Kansas Police Officers have been allowed to commit offences without the commencement of adequate investigation by officials into their actions!

We feel the continued surveillance from the Fire station next to Dairy Queen on Massachusetts, and ongoing attempts to set us up are a waist of the tax payer’s money!

when this same department refuses to investigate complaints regarding the misconduct of their own officers submitted by citizens within the community.

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