Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Prosecuting AttorneyTerra Moreheads Motion For GAG ORDER is VINDICTIVE

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To prove her first point Terra Uses the case: Nebraska Press Ass'n v. Stuart,427 U.S. 539, 563, 96 S.Ct. 2791, 2806, 49 L.Ed.2d 683 (1976).

Research of this case reveals that this was a case regarding freedom of the press. Not the defendants personal right to inform the public using free speach about the ongoing injustice. The decision in this case was questionable and it was later ruled that the trial judge could have rectified the press situation by quote: The trial judge should have considered changing the location of the trial, postponing the trial, intensifying screening of prospective jurors, providing emphatic and clear instructions to jurors about judging the case only on the evidence presented in the courtroom or sequestering the jury.

In Sheppard v. Maxwell, 384 U.S. 333, 86 S.Ct. 1507, 1522 (1966) The pretrial publicity was deemed to have an adverse effect on the trial. Quote:that the court will only be justified in staying a trial on the ground of adverse pre-trial publicity, if the effect of the pre-trial publicity will be such as to render the verdict unsafe and unsatisfactory”. This is not the case in the Yellow House case.

Terra Morehead states:

The Government and the public are entitled to a fair trial. The Government believes that the defendant(s) have engaged in serious obstructive behavior, which serves to threaten the fairness of the trial.


Defendants have a right to defend themselves against the Governments Serious obstructive behavior, of giving slanderous and false information to the media and Judges repeatedly over a three year period. Being repeatedly falsly arested, shackeled & handcuffed and held for over 8 hours without food, and repeatedly searched void of valid search warrants, or with forged search warrants.

Terra Morehead States:

The defendants have disseminated patently false, prejudicial, defamatory and libelous information on this website about Government officials which have been intended to undermine and unduly influence the fair administration of justice.


The Government has disseminated patently false, prejudicial, defamatory and libelous information about the Defendants Guy and Carrie Neighbors to the Media including radio, tv news, and newspapers, In press releases on the U.S. Justice Department Web site, To Judges both in Federal and District Court, the FBI and Defense attorney's in relationship to this case. These false written and verbal Statements were intended to undermine and unduly influence the fair administration of justice.

In light of the Defendants upstanding position in the community, the fact that no violations of the bond have occured, and all statements made by the defendants have been backed up by documentation and evidence of Governmental misconduct, the defendants Guy and Carrie Neighbors respectfully feel it is the Government that needs TO BE GAGGED!


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