Wednesday, January 23, 2008


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According to Lawrence Kansas City Commissioners Sue Hack and Mike Amyx, a citizen review board for oversight of the LkPD Police Department is not necessary to over see any problems or field complaints that might arise from the use of new tazor guns.

They say the commissioners are in control, can handle any complaints that might arise. Police and government officials in Lawrence Kansas do not need oversight. If someone has a complaint they can just bring it before the commissioners, specifically Sue Hack or Mike Amyx and they will make sure it gets covered up.

The Yellow House Store Filed 29 formal complaints between 2005 and 2008 regarding the Lawrence Kansas police serious misconduct issues to LKPD Internal affairs the City commissioners and the City manager and other Government officials. The City commissioners have never even acknowledged the complaints.

NONE of those complaints TO THIS VERY DATE have been investigated by either agency because they claim there is an ongoing investigation into the yellow house store.

An investigation that has spanned nearly 3 years during which time none of the formal complaints have been looked into!

How convienient that is, nearly 3 years later the Yellow House is still waiting for the complaints to be investigated.

So if someone gets tazed and its not a legal taze may God help them because the City won't be able to investigate the complaint if that person is under investigation!

And God knows that officials don't need the oversight of a review board! A review board that could handle the complaints promptly and possibly save the City from Million dollar Lawsuits.

Here is the letter written to the Yellow House by the City of Lawrence Manager David Corliss explaining that the City Cannot possibly investigate the Yellow House complaints because the Yellow House is under an ongoing never ending investigation.

However the city Of Lawrence manager David Corliss does recognize the seriousnous of the Yellow House Stores complaints. (thats nice)

Here is the first letter from the City explaining to the Yellow House owners they cannot possibly investigate the very serious complaints of Government and police misconduct by the Yellow House while the Yellow House Store is under investigation....that now nearly 3 years later never seems to end....


Here is the second letter from the City Manager David Corliss one year later in 2006 once again explaining that the City of Lawrence cannot investigate the Yellow House Serious complaints of police misconduct because the Yellow House is still under the ongoing 2 year long investigation.


After the Yellow House notified Governor Kathleen Sebelious of the misconduct, she replied in a letter stating that she can't help but perhaps the KBI can.


Second letter sent to the Governor to let her know what is going on. She responds letting the Yellow House owners know she does not oversee law enforcement misconduct and they should get a good attorney.


Third letter sent to the Governor was once again given a response of; She does not get involved with law enforcement issues and get yourself an attorney.


Complaint to Eric Melgren at the Kansas Department of Justice was responded to with a letter informing the Yellow House owners to contact The Dept. of Justice in Washington D.C.


Complaint to the U.S. Department of Justice Civil rights division, was responded to by a letter informing the Yellow House owners another department was needed to handle this complaint.
Complaint sent on to Mark Vukelich of the Department of Justice Civil rights division was answered with a letter that this is not a matter this office would handle.
3rd complaint sent to the Department of Justice about the abuse of Power and Misconduct of the Government asking for an FBI investigation was met with a letter explaining to the Yellow House owners that this matter would not be something the FBI would investigate.


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