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When an unreliable informant is used in a case, the case itself can become corrupt.
When police offer favors or money to an individual, or individuals to aid them in an investigation, then the reliability of the facts of the case along with the integrity of the judicial system itself becomes in question.
Quote from Lawrence Police Policy manual Page 117 (A.) SI-Secret informant=Monetary compensation, consideration on charges, or otherwise, has the potential to provide reasonable suspicion or probable cause in the furtherance of an investigation. Officer handling the Si will create a background file that includes Section9(A) 2. Warrant checks, NCIC checks, Criminal History. See entire policy on informants page 115, 117, 118, 119, 120.
A corrupt investigation cannot be rectified by informants with criminal histories, or testimony of witnesses that is mere hearsay, especially when the individuals have an interest of personal gain in exchange for the hearsay testimony.
Police have policies and procedures that they are supposed to follow during the process of recruiting informants. This protects the precious integrity of the courts and the constitutional rights of the individuals involved. That has not always been the case in Lawrence’s Police dept.
Here is a past example of Lawrence Police Dept. corruption:
Quote: Fired Lawrence Police Officer Stuart "Mike" Peck wasn't following the rules when he recruited drug informants and did favors for them.
There were no rules to follow
Unlike many police departments, the Lawrence Police Department has no written procedures for working with confidential informants.
Taken from Lawrence Journal World Sunday April 20, 2003. Only after this violation occured did the Lawrence Police put new policies in place.
When policies are not followed and police officers become undisciplined people get hurt. This is a dangerous situation, considering the public is at the mercy of a very powerful entity.
Are the Lawrence Kansas Police Department policies being followed?
See interview of informant recruited by Lawrence Police asking him to help them run a sting operation on the Yellow House.
This is the same informant that was deemed unreliable, has a criminal history, and was the main player in Mike Peck’s case.
click on link for close-up view of interview conducted by a private investigator.
Why would these officers approach him and attempt to use him against the Yellow House? Isn’t this clearly a violation of the policy and procedure manual?
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