Thursday, January 17, 2008


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What would be considered acceptable communication between a prosecutor and the police during an investigation? When it did not take place in court, and it was not part of the prosecutor's trial preparation. When does this communication cross over the line to become conspiracy and obstruction of justice? see Buckley v. Fitzsimmons. 509 U.S. 259. 1993.

A question of a Prosecutors ethics, during an ongoing investigation that began in December 2005 and has continued through 2007.

When Lawrence Kansas citizens Guy and Carrie Neighbors submitted Formal complaints about police abuse and misconduct to Lawrence Kansas police Departments Internal Affairs Sergeant Dan Ward for investigation, instead of forwarding the complaints to the FBI in Topeka Kansas or the KBI for unbiased investigation by an outside agency, these complaints were forwarded to the Prosecuting U.S. Attorney Marietta Parker for evaluation and ultimate decision making.

When allegations of misconduct are alleged by a citizen against police officers, and no citizen review board is available, one might expect for the police to proceed autonomously in order to find the necessary evidence leading to clarification of all basic facts.


In this case the police did not proceed to notify the proper authorities for investigation.

The City of Lawrence City manager David Corliss also responded to several of Guy and Carrie Neighbors complaints with letters explaining that they would not pursue investigations into the Neighbors very serious civil rights violations and police misconduct allegations, due to the fact there was an ongoing investigation, which later expanded into fabricated vindictive retaliatory indictments.

As a result of existing professional relationships and personal involvements in the case it would be evident that a Prosecuting Attorney directly involved with the ongoing investigation would be ineffective and biased in making the decisions about citizen complaints and allegations that involve civil rights violations and police misconduct directly related to the defendants and potential witnesses in the case she is prosecuting.

As a result the complaints have remained uninvestigated, and have allowed the prosecutor to fabricate, tamper and falsify evidence, conspire with police to obstruct justice, and then be allowed to introduce that corrupted evidence into the judicial proceedings.
Because these aspects of the investigation did not take place in court, were not part of the prosecutor's trial preparation, and are directly linked to unscrupulous conspiring between the prosecutor and the police involved in the ongoing investigation, the Prosecutors actions have crossed over the line of ethics. This vindictive case has proven to be a travesty and disgrace to the entire judicial process.

The fact that the Prosecutor Marietta Parker conspired with Lawrence Police officers, delaying and creating obstructions of justice from the judicial process, conspired with police to commence a surveillance operation absent of a court order, ordered a fraudulent FBI investigation using the non resident agency for Douglas county, conspired with police to falsify documents, and conspired with a four time convicted felon Patrick Nieder to present PURJURY evidence to a grand jury, in order to shield herself from liability for any constitutional wrong against innocent citizens by ensuring that they go to trial. see Rev. Stat. 1979, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Clearly suggests liability of "every person" who, acting under color of state law, commits the prohibited acts.

Therefore U.S. Attorney Marietta Parker should be held accountable for her actions and removed from the Yellow House Store Prosecution.

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