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Formal complaint
January 6th, 2007

Guy and Carrie Neighbors Owners of the Yellow House Store Inc. would like to formally request an investigation into the fact that their personal financial information has been obtained by investigators involved in the ongoing Yellow House investigation, from Douglas county bank, Commerce Bank, paypal and Intrust bank.

There is evidence that these accounts have been accessed numerous times, and according to a bank employee, that investigators have looked into the same account more numerous times using the same warrant, and that the information obtained by the investigators was used to sabotage the business's financial stability, humiliate the business publicly, was publicly disclosed without regard to privacy laws, and intimidate customers.

In one incident a Yellow House customer Louis Marshall, was taken into custody against his will and interrogated about a $150 check that had been written to him by Carrie Neighbors for a washer and dryer about one week earlier. (Before the check had cleared the bank).

In several incidents customers being questioned about items they had sold to the Yellow House, were informed by law enforcement officers the dollar amount of income the Yellow House business made in sales during the prior year.

Defense Attorney Aaron McKee esq., was informed by I.R.S. agent Rob Jackson during a break in the proffering session, that his client Carrie Neighbors had enough money to pay him for his services. Mr Jackson stated to Mr. McKee that there was a current balance that day of $4,000. in the account held by the Neighbors at Intrust Bank.

In conclusion, it is individually documented that investigators have shared private federally protected information, with unauthorized individuals. These individuals were informed of the Yellow House income amounts, total year end sales, and bank account balance.

During a press release by Dan Ward a statement included a public disclosure as factual of the dollar amounts of illegal sales i.e.: "tens of thousands", (without any evidence or charges filed that such an amount existed). Clearly an act of discrimination and a violation of Police proceedure and policy in such cases.

In conclustion we feel our privacy rights have been publicly violated and discriminated against by law enforcement during the ongoing Yellow House Investigation.

In violation of the Federal Privacy Act (PA), and the 4 Common Law Privacy Torts.

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