Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Hyde Amendment challenges vexatious, frivolous bad faith prosecutions like the Yellow House Case

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It is illegal for a Federal U.S. Attorney to take on a Frivolous case for prosecution. Because of the power invested to the Government to control every aspect of a persons life during prosecution on a Federal level, it is both unethical and unlawful for cases that lack viable evidence to be prosecuted on a Federal level.

Yellow House secondhand store Investigation and prosecution Vexatious, frivolous and in bad faith.
The Yellow House Secondhand store case clearly displays prosecutorial abuse in the United States Attorney office.
It shows the lack of oversight in the practices of ethics, in the police department, the press and the courts.
The prosecutors in this case clearly failed to screen the facts for sufficient evidence or the nature of the severity of the crime. Clearly this frivolous case has been persued in bad faith by the Prosecution.

At some point the transcripts from the Grand Jury indictment hearing should be made available because the public will be entitiled to know about the level of perjury and unreliable coerced testimony that was presented to the Grand Jury by convicted unreliable felons through misdirected and overzealous prosecutors.

According to the Hyde Amendment, it is no longer possible for U.S. Attorney's to prosecute Frivolous cases without accountability.

The purpose of this amendment is to take time and resources from the Justice department. Hopefully they will think twice about bringing cases for which there is no substantial justification like in the Yellow House case.

If someone is a prosecutor and they are going to wrench somebody out of their business, home, and status in society and put them on trial as a criminal, there ought to be enough in the case that it is substantially justified to prosecute these people at a Federal level.

The Prosecution should not be able to rely solely on unsubstantiated circumstancial evidence, that was coerced through perjured testimony before a Judge and Grand Jury, illegal searches, intimidation, fabricated evidence and violations in the chain of evidence rules.

The opinion of society is they do not want the Government to waste their resources on cases that are not substantially justified, but what about the citizen who has been put through the hoops? What is the remedy, if not this, for someone who has been unjustly, maliciously, improperly, abusively tried by the Government, by faceless bureaucrats who hire a law firm or get a U.S. Attorney looking for an easy mark?

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Attorney General Carla J. Stovall
120 S.W. 10th Ave., 2nd Fl.
Topeka, KS 66612-1597

Racial Profiling
Formal Complaint involving Lawrence Police Dept. and Yellow House store Inc. Ongoing investigation. Presented by the Yellow House Store, and Charles Rayton.

The policy defines racial profiling as the practice of using ethnicity, nationality, gender or religious dress as a basis for investigations or searches.
The policy says the police department treats "all persons having contact with this agency in a fair, equitable and objective manner" and prohibits officers from using criteria such as race during criminal investigations.

See page 97 section 4.38 of the Lawrence Police Dept. Procedure Manual.

This letter is to inform your office about an incident that happened December 2, 2005. The action in question occurred on the rear parking area of Brian Plumbing, 1901 Massachusetts, and occurred during the execution of a search warrant on the Yellow House Store at 1904 Massachusetts.

Charles Rayton an African American customer of the Yellow House Inc. Pulled into the rear parking lot of Brian Plumbing at approximately 3:00 pm intending to shop in the Yellow House Store Inc.

After exiting his vehicle he proceeded to enter through the back door of the store.

Officer Tony Garcia at that point stopped him and informed him a search warrant was being executed on the business and at that point Mr. Rayton turned to leave.
Walking up behind Mr. Rayton from another vehicle was another customer. (Name withheld) A white man, who witnessed the treatment of Mr. Rayton, but was not searched by Officer Garcia or asked to show I.D.

After Mr. Rayton stepped outside Officer Tony Garcia asked Mr. Rayton to present him with identification. As Officer Garcia began to approach Mr. Raytons truck he proceeded to ask Mr. Rayton what house he had burglarized to obtain the property that wan in the back of his truck and if he had been selling stolen merchandise to the Yellow House.

Officer Garcia then went over to Mr. Raytons vehicle and began searching through the items in the back of the truck. Mr. Rayton informed Officer Garcia he did not give him permission to search his truck. Officer Garcia continued going through the back of Mr. Raytons truck and pulled out some items, held them up and questioned him about them, again asking him “if he had been out breaking in houses?”

This search was not conducted on the Yellow House property, these facts of this unwarranted search and humiliating treatment was witnessed by five documented witnesses that have signed statements and are willing to testify.

See Story about other Racial Profiling incidents by Lawrence Police:

After Officer Garcia finished the search of Mr. Raytons vehicle without his consent, a white elderly couple pulled up and began to get out of their car. Officer Garcia informed them a search warrant was being issued on the Yellow House and they would have to leave. He did not ask to see their Identification, ask them about selling stolen property, or search their car. Another White male also approaching the property was not questioned or searched. Several other customers also pulled in and were asked to be leave without being searched or questioned.

Would this be considered
Unbiased, equitable treatment" of all people?

An April 2005 Department of Justice survey found that blacks and Hispanics are roughly three times as likely as whites to be searched, arrested, or threatened or subdued with force when stopped by police.

According to a bill enacted into congress in 2005 It is illegal for a police officer to racially profile an individual.

Due to the high level of corruption associated with the Yellow House investigation,
We have chosen to keep the identity of the witnesses in this incident confidential in regards to their safety.
Considering the fact Internal Affairs Sergeant Dan Ward was involved in covering up the illegal actions of Officer Jay Bialek and other officers involved in the Annette Miller Harassment case, which involved Annette Miller being subjected to an unwarranted search, 8 traffic stops without being cited, and repeated intimidation.
We have chosen not to disclose the names of the witnesses at this time due to our concerns associated with the witness intimidation issues in this case. However they are available upon request.

Thank you,
Charles Rayton
Carrie Neighbors
Guy Neighbors


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Formal complaint
January 6th, 2007

Guy and Carrie Neighbors Owners of the Yellow House Store Inc. would like to formally request an investigation into the fact that their personal financial information has been obtained by investigators involved in the ongoing Yellow House investigation, from Douglas county bank, Commerce Bank, paypal and Intrust bank.

There is evidence that these accounts have been accessed numerous times, and according to a bank employee, that investigators have looked into the same account more numerous times using the same warrant, and that the information obtained by the investigators was used to sabotage the business's financial stability, humiliate the business publicly, was publicly disclosed without regard to privacy laws, and intimidate customers.

In one incident a Yellow House customer Louis Marshall, was taken into custody against his will and interrogated about a $150 check that had been written to him by Carrie Neighbors for a washer and dryer about one week earlier. (Before the check had cleared the bank).

In several incidents customers being questioned about items they had sold to the Yellow House, were informed by law enforcement officers the dollar amount of income the Yellow House business made in sales during the prior year.

Defense Attorney Aaron McKee esq., was informed by I.R.S. agent Rob Jackson during a break in the proffering session, that his client Carrie Neighbors had enough money to pay him for his services. Mr Jackson stated to Mr. McKee that there was a current balance that day of $4,000. in the account held by the Neighbors at Intrust Bank.

In conclusion, it is individually documented that investigators have shared private federally protected information, with unauthorized individuals. These individuals were informed of the Yellow House income amounts, total year end sales, and bank account balance.

During a press release by Dan Ward a statement included a public disclosure as factual of the dollar amounts of illegal sales i.e.: "tens of thousands", (without any evidence or charges filed that such an amount existed). Clearly an act of discrimination and a violation of Police proceedure and policy in such cases.

In conclustion we feel our privacy rights have been publicly violated and discriminated against by law enforcement during the ongoing Yellow House Investigation.

In violation of the Federal Privacy Act (PA), and the 4 Common Law Privacy Torts.


Police Harassment of Yellow House store

After fully cooperating with an investigation into the theft of a Champion Air compressor, The Yellow House Quality Appliances Inc. was served a Search warrant on May 8th, 2006.
"Has our business been singled out, or do all second hand stores, and or Pawn shops in Lawrence Kansas get served search warrants when they attempt to cooperate with an investigation into a theft?"

On March 3rd, 2006, Dustin Hadl brought in a Champion 2 HP 7 Gallon air compressor to sell to the Yellow House Quality used Appliances Inc. located at 1904 Massachusetts. He filled out the required "Sellers Form" Which includes Name, address, phone, date of birth, DL number, Item sold, and identification of item, amount sold for, and signature with date stating the item is the seller’s personal property and is not stolen. He was then given a check for $40.00.

Several months later on May 4, of 2006, a customer by the name of Ray Williams came in and informed Carrie Neighbors about an air compressor that was stolen from his garage. He gave Carrie the description of the item, and she agreed to look through her records to see if the item had been sold to the store. She found the sellers form Dustin had filled out and showed it to Mr. Williams. At that point Mr. Williams stated that Dustin was his son- in- law and had indeed stolen the air compressor in question from his garage. Carrie then made Mr. Williams a copy of the sellers form and told him he should go and make a police report about the theft.

The next day on Friday May 5, of 2006, Lawrence Police Officer Jay Rozell came into the Yellow House Store to question Carrie about the air compressor. Carrie gave officer Rozell her statement; she informed him she had already given all the information that she had about the item and seller in question. Officer Rozell then proceeded to ask her about the sale of the item. She informed him a customer had purchased the compressor several months ago, over the counter and paid $50 cash for it. She gave the customer a cash receipt, but the Yellow House does not require customers purchasing small items to give I.D., names, addresses or other personal information to the store.
Officer Rozell lawrence police corruption

The following Monday May 8, 2006, five Lawrence Police Officers, J. Rozell T. Haak, J. Bialek, A. Heffley, and Sgt. Monroe, along with reporters from both the Journal World, and Channel 6 News, showed up at 3:20 PM, to serve a Search Warrant with Judge Stephen Six's forged signature on it, upon the Yellow House Store. The forged Search warrant was for books, record sheets, receipts, checks/check ledger, eBay documents, and surveillance video and other documentation recording the sale delivery and possession of items being sold or purchased by or through the business. From or involving Dustin Hadle. Officer in charge of the forged Search Warrant was Jay Rozell.

I ask why would anybody believe judge Stephen Six would sign off to serve a search warrant on a business that had willingly been cooperating with an investigation? Why did the police forge judge Six's signature for a search warrant to seize records when clearly the business owners had already provided all documents in their possession associated with the item in question? Why would the Search warrant include the seizure of eBay records, when clearly the item in question was not bought or sold on eBay?.

There is no question that "an act taken in retaliation for the exercise of a constitutionally protected right violates the Constitution." DeWalt v. Carter, 224 F.3d 607, 618 (7th Cir. 2000).

Fabricating evidence against or falsely arresting an individual also violates the color of law statute, taking away the person’s rights of due process subjecting them to unreasonable search and seizure violates the fourth amendment right.

Benjamin Franklin once said, "Those who would give up LIBERTY for a little SECURITY deserve neither."

Regards, Guy and Carrie Neighbors
Yellow House quality Appliance Inc
1904 Massachusetts, Lawrence, Kansas

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Saturday, January 26, 2008


Formal complaint.

Violation of the constitutional right of due process.

On January 9th, 2006, Tom Smith called the Yellow House Store 1904 Massachusetts. He told Carrie Neighbors that he had a computer that he had acquired through the community drop in center in exchange for some work he had done. He also said that he had been storing it in the garage of some friends and that they had asked him to get it out of their way. He stated he wanted to sell it to the Yellow House store. He then said he would be having a friend bring it down to sell it for him. He stated he wanted about $100.00 for it. A few hours later a woman by the name of Anita Nunez came in with a Mac desktop computer. She presented a valid I.D. And filled out a sellers form.
The next day on Jan 10th, 2006 Tom Smith called the Yellow House store. He informed the owner that he had sent his friend Anita Nunez in to sell a computer for him and she stole all the money. He stated he could not identify the computer and did not remember what kind of computer it was or what color it was. He only knew Anita did not give him his money!
The Yellow House informed him he needed to contact the police and make a report because this was a problem between him and Anita, and did not involve the Yellow House directly.

On Jan. 11th, 2006 Lawrence Police Officer Patrick Orrick came in the store to question Carrie about the computer that Anita Nunez had sold to the business. Carrie informed the officer that the computer did not qualify as stolen property and that Mr. Smith could not identify it over the phone. Mr. Smith was also not able to present a serial number or any other kind of identification proving ownership of this particular computer. The matter between Mr. Smith accusing Ms. Nunez of stealing his money should not be a concern of the Yellow House. The officer stated that Ms. Nunez had informed him she was supposed to sell the computer for Mr. Smith and give him the money. However she met up with some friends and spent the money herself. At that point the officer decided to confiscate the computer. He gave the business owners his card and case number, and left with the computer.

We believe the right of due process was violated, based on the Uniform Commercial Code protecting a party who gives value for an item to someone who was in lawful possession of the item. See, e.g., Alsafi Oriental Rugs v. American Loan Co., 864 S.W.2d 41. As a result, local law enforcement are depriving the Yellow House store of a property interest without affording a prior hearing as required by the due process requirements of the United States Constitutions.

By law, a party asserting ownership of property, which the party claims is stolen and in the possession of a pawn or second hand store, may recover the property by making a report to a law enforcement agency. The party MUST provide the agency with proof of ownership of the property and must have reported the theft of the property within thirty days after obtaining knowledge of its theft or loss.

We believe there was no legal basis for this property confiscation. We also do not believe under these same circumstances any other Lawrence business would have been subjected to this type of property seizure. We believe the Yellow House store, has been subjected to unconstitutional discriminatory practices by local law enforcement.

Property confiscated by Law enforcement from the Yellow House store. That is taken without proper documentation, or identification, clearly violates the business owners the right of due process, and should be deemed unconstitutional.
The Constitution of the United States prevents any state from depriving “any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law . . ..” U.S. Const. Amend. 14, § 1.

Guy and Carrie Neighbors
Yellow House Quality Appliance Inc.
1904 Massachusetts
Lawrence, Ks. 66046


The Yellow House Quality Appliances Inc. and its owners Guy and Carrie Neighbors have been repeatedly subjected to unwarranted searches, policy and procedure violations, and seizures by Law enforcement under the command of the State of Kansas Government officials Police Chief Ron Olin, U.S. Attorney Eric Melgren, Assistant U.S. Attorneys Marietta Parker and Terra Morehead for an ongoing period of two years.

Starting in but not limited to November 2005,
Officer Jay Rozell entered the Yellow House and began to question Carrie Neighbors about a bike in the store. He then stated he was going to take the serial numbers off the bike so he could find out if it had been reported stolen. Carrie told him that would constitute an illegal search, and he should first find out if anyone had reported a bike like that stolen. Carrie stated if he was going to come and randomly search serial numbers he would need a search warrant. At that point Carrie pointed out a bike that someone had brought in earlier, and when she did not buy it the customer had left it. Officer Rozell went over to the bike and stated that the bike had been stolen from someone in the State of Florida. He then confiscated the bike without giving the Yellow House a case number, officer name card or property receipt.

In December 2005 and again in Dec. 2006
search warrants were issued upon the Yellow House store and owners home for items "new in package and records" in connection with their long ongoing investigation. The officers proceeded to illegally confiscate numerous used expensive laptop computer merchandise, A used PSP video game with the Best Buy extended warranty purchased by the seller still attached, (obviously not stolen property) Used video-photo Ipod MP3 Players, used high end cameras, and expensive Jewelry and Collector Firearms from the home. None of these items were new, nor were they stolen property, and were not on the list of items to be confiscated. None of the merchandise confiscated during the seizures was reported stolen yet the LKPD refused to return it to the business. And subsequently have admitted that some of the items can no longer be located in the Lawrence Kansas Police Department evidence room.

On Jan. 11th, 2006
Lawrence Police Officer Patrick Orrick came in to the Yellow House Store and unlawfully confiscated an Apple computer, which the alleged victim could not positively identify, nor prove, was stolen.

Monday May 8, 2006,
five Lawrence Police Officers, J. Rozell T. Haak, J. Bialek, A. Heffley, and Sgt. Monroe, served a forged search warrant upon the Yellow House in connection with a stolen Air Compressor, even though the business owners had been cooperating with the investigation and had already given statements and turned over all the paperwork involved with that particular investigation. This search warrant was in violation of LKPD policies and procedures, and had Judge Stephen Six's signature forged on it.

October 19th, 2006
Officers Mickey Rantz and Jay Bialek return a $350. Sony camera that had been seized from the Yellow House during a search, but never turned into the evidence custodian for documentation.

On June 25th, 2007,
Agents David Nitz, Rob Jackson & his assistant, Agent Osborne, from the IRS and Postal service along with Lawrence Police officers Matt Sarna and Eric Barkley served an arrest warrant upon the Neighbors in their home at 1104 Andover. During the arrest 3 separate illegal searches were performed. A Judge had not issued a search warrant.

After the two defendants were in custody, one sweep search of the entire home including the basement was performed by officers Sarna and Barkley. One Search of the defendant’s upstairs bedroom and office, and closet space was performed by Jackson and a search of Carries purse was performed by Osborne.

In conclusion we believe that Law enforcement has acted in an unlawful pattern of repeated violation of the Oath of Office and law they are sworn to uphold, and have repeatedly violated the constitutional rights of the defendants Carrie and Guy Neighbors under the color of the law. The defendants therefore demand that a full investigation into this ongoing pattern of abuse and unlawful seizure of property and merchandise should be commenced upon

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


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According to Lawrence Kansas City Commissioners Sue Hack and Mike Amyx, a citizen review board for oversight of the LkPD Police Department is not necessary to over see any problems or field complaints that might arise from the use of new tazor guns.

They say the commissioners are in control, can handle any complaints that might arise. Police and government officials in Lawrence Kansas do not need oversight. If someone has a complaint they can just bring it before the commissioners, specifically Sue Hack or Mike Amyx and they will make sure it gets covered up.

The Yellow House Store Filed 29 formal complaints between 2005 and 2008 regarding the Lawrence Kansas police serious misconduct issues to LKPD Internal affairs the City commissioners and the City manager and other Government officials. The City commissioners have never even acknowledged the complaints.

NONE of those complaints TO THIS VERY DATE have been investigated by either agency because they claim there is an ongoing investigation into the yellow house store.

An investigation that has spanned nearly 3 years during which time none of the formal complaints have been looked into!

How convienient that is, nearly 3 years later the Yellow House is still waiting for the complaints to be investigated.

So if someone gets tazed and its not a legal taze may God help them because the City won't be able to investigate the complaint if that person is under investigation!

And God knows that officials don't need the oversight of a review board! A review board that could handle the complaints promptly and possibly save the City from Million dollar Lawsuits.

Here is the letter written to the Yellow House by the City of Lawrence Manager David Corliss explaining that the City Cannot possibly investigate the Yellow House complaints because the Yellow House is under an ongoing never ending investigation.

However the city Of Lawrence manager David Corliss does recognize the seriousnous of the Yellow House Stores complaints. (thats nice)

Here is the first letter from the City explaining to the Yellow House owners they cannot possibly investigate the very serious complaints of Government and police misconduct by the Yellow House while the Yellow House Store is under investigation....that now nearly 3 years later never seems to end....


Here is the second letter from the City Manager David Corliss one year later in 2006 once again explaining that the City of Lawrence cannot investigate the Yellow House Serious complaints of police misconduct because the Yellow House is still under the ongoing 2 year long investigation.


After the Yellow House notified Governor Kathleen Sebelious of the misconduct, she replied in a letter stating that she can't help but perhaps the KBI can.


Second letter sent to the Governor to let her know what is going on. She responds letting the Yellow House owners know she does not oversee law enforcement misconduct and they should get a good attorney.


Third letter sent to the Governor was once again given a response of; She does not get involved with law enforcement issues and get yourself an attorney.


Complaint to Eric Melgren at the Kansas Department of Justice was responded to with a letter informing the Yellow House owners to contact The Dept. of Justice in Washington D.C.


Complaint to the U.S. Department of Justice Civil rights division, was responded to by a letter informing the Yellow House owners another department was needed to handle this complaint.
Complaint sent on to Mark Vukelich of the Department of Justice Civil rights division was answered with a letter that this is not a matter this office would handle.
3rd complaint sent to the Department of Justice about the abuse of Power and Misconduct of the Government asking for an FBI investigation was met with a letter explaining to the Yellow House owners that this matter would not be something the FBI would investigate.


Sunday, January 20, 2008


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When it was questioned why district court Judge Stephen Six would be continuously issuing subpoenas and search warrants in Federal Yellow House case things began to look suspicious.

Upon further investigation it also became suspicious that police executed a search warrant upon the Yellow House business owner’s residence between 9am and 10am yet the warrant left behind clearly stated the time of the warrant issued and signed by Judge Six was at 1:30pm in the afternoon. The times were not adding up. Why would police get a search warrant from a Judge at 1:30 in the afternoon to search a house they had already been searching since 9 am that morning?

The signatures do not appear to match. Here are the warrants for you to see for yourself:

This is the First warrant served. Judge Six confirms he signed this one. However he only gave them police authority to take 20 specific items from the business. Clearly the warrant was violated when police confiscated over 100 pieces of merchandise from the business.
my search warrantreal signiture search warrant

These next two warrants also executed under judge Six's signature however do not appear to bear the same hand writing as the warrant above.

forged signiture on search warrant
fake signiture warrant

PLEASE KEEP US IN YOUR PRAYERS! poem prayer for strength

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Please keep us in your prayers.

BLack & White couple


I do not ask to walk smooth paths

Nor bear an easy load,

I pray for strength and fortitude

To climb each rock-strewn road

Give me courage I can scale

The hardest peaks alone,

And transform every stumbling rock

Into my own big steppingstone.



Guy and Carrie Neighbors, owners of the Yellow House business have been falsely and vindictively arrested twice in relationship to a Federal case investigation that is based solely on hearsay, perjury, forgery and falsified documents and search warrants.

December 2006 Police show up at Guy and Carrie Neighbors home in Lawrence Kansas at 7:45AM. They are drug out of bed, told they cannot take a cell phone, money, keys, belt or shoelaces with them. They are not given time to get something to eat.

They are placed in handcuffs and paraded outside in front of the neighbors to awaiting cars. They are driven to Kansas City; during the 45 minute ride they are informed by the agent that this will be a one way ride. Upon arrival in Kansas City they are placed in leg shackles. There they are held in custody for nearly 8 hours without food. Other prisoners fed several times during the same time period. After seeing the Judge they are released at 5:30pm literally dumped on the street in below zero weather, in the inner city ghetto with no phone to call for help and no money and no car to get home in. Terra Morehead stated to Jim George guy’s attorney this treatment was necessary to quote “show the Neighbors who is boss."

The prosecutor Terra Morehead after nearly 7 months dismissed the charges.

Then one month later refills the same charges again void of any new incidents and has the Neighbors once again arrested.

Agents and police show up at the Neighbors home at 8am. In the morning. The Neighbors ask the agents what they are being arrested for. The Agents don't know, they tell the Neighbors they will find out when they get before the Judge.

This time they bring the couple downstairs along with their son. They place the Neighbors in handcuffs. The two LKPD police officers Sarna and Barkley proceed to do a room by room unwarranted sweep search including the basement hollering "clear" as they go through each room.

Once this unwarranted search is complete, the IRS agent Rob Jackson proceeds to do an unwarranted search of the upstairs master bedroom, office and adjoining storage room. The agents then proceed to parade the Neighbors once again out the front door in handcuffs in front of the neighbors. They are driven 45 minutes to Kansas City and held in leg shackles in a cell for 7 hours without food waiting to see the Judge. Then after the arraignment they are once again dumped out on the street, in below zero weather, in the ghetto of the City 45 minutes away from Lawrence without a way home.

The Prosecutor Terra Morehead told Judge Lungstrum during the evidence hearing this is how everyone arrested by the Kansas City Department of Justice is treated.

Friday, January 18, 2008




Between 1992- 1993 the Yellow House owners decided that it would be a good idea to have some sort of working relationship with the Lawrence Police Dept.

LKPD Detective Hubble (a very nice guy) met with the Yellow House store owners, and together they came up with a plan to have the Yellow House Store fill out the same seller’s forms that the pawn shops fill out. It sounded like a good plan, and then every Friday he would pick them up.

Uniformed officers would also regularly stop in to view the merchandise, take notes, and write down serial numbers. This confused the owners, since Detective Hubble was already picking the paper work up every Friday. Each time an officer came in the store, the owners would ask them for a card to verify who had been in the store.
Friday December 3 1993 eight detectives headed by Detective Dan Ward raided the store serving a search warrant on the Yellow House store for selling toy ninja stars deemed as deadly illegal weapons.

The stars in question were ordered from a flyer that offered the toy stars as novelty's 12 for $6. The Police had sent in an undercover officer to buy the $2 toy stars with marked $5 bills over a two day period.

Even though the Yellow House was making an effort at the time to comply with the dept. no warning was given to the store owners about the fact these toy sheet metal stars could be illegal and should be removed from the shelf.

After several months Guy and Carrie made an appointment to see Sgt. Susan Hadle. They met with her and let her know this ongoing daily police harassment needed to stop!

They brought with them the stack of LKPD officer’s cards to show that the police were in the store almost on a daily basis performing unwarranted searches.The store was already turning in paperwork every friday to Detective Hubble, and now 6 detectives execute a raid on the store for toy stars, then leave without charges or any notice of what is going on. The Neighbors told her enough is enough! .

The very next day the Yellow House owners Guy and Carrie Neighbors were charged with selling deadly illegal weapons. Even though a martial Arts store in Kansas City was allowed to sell the exact same thing and they WERE NOT considered to be illegal.

The District attorney made this public comment to the Journal World QUOTE "Even Douglas County Dist. Atty. Jerry Wells can't say for certain whether the Yellow House stars fit the description, although he thinks they probably do."

Wow the D.A. tells the media he can’t say for sure they are illegal, but he pressed charges against Guy and Carrie Neighbors any way!

So the Neighbors are subjected to a police raid on the store with a search warrant and criminal charges! See media story:


LKPD Lt. Ed Brunt A" Tae Kwon do" expert said that what the Yellow House had WERE NOT genuine shurikens and it would be difficult to hurt someone with them, But he did admit if you hit someone in the eye with one it could cause damage, So maybe the police need to raid the schools for pencils too! See entire story:



During the trial the Judge Ralph King told the jury that he was going to disregard the standard rule of Criminal Intent for this case, and that the prosecution only needed to prove these could be used as a weapon for a conviction! The Judge also told the jury on record if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then its a duck. (I think he ment to say its a FUCK!)

With that standard Guy and Carrie could have been convicted of owning a brick!

The day after the trial and conviction of the Yellow House business owners Guy & Carrie Neighbors in Douglas county court for selling deadly illegal toy stars, the Douglas county fair began.

WOW being sold at the Lawrence fair were the exact same toy stars the Yellow House had just got convicted of!

BIGGER SHOCK was the fact the Douglas county sheriff loren Anderson had approved them, because he quote "did not know they were illegal!"

Sheriff don't know they are illegal, LKPD Lt. Says they dont meet the critieria to be illegal, D.A. says he just can't say for sure, Judge says we will change the rules for this one.

How many times can one business be targeted, investigated, searched, charged and drug through court by law enforcement using non-existant laws in the name of an ongoing investigation that never ends? 1994-2008...

See story then judge for yourself:

Thursday, January 17, 2008


too late to stop lawrence Kansas

God is the hardest taskmaster that we shall ever know!
He tests us through and through, each valley that we go,
And when your faith is falling, and you are sinking too
God will send a special sign and always prove to you
You should not loose your faith, he is at your beck and call
Always on his terms, he shall catch you should you fall,
So live each day with gentle care
For no matter what, God has put you there!


Is this a Question of ethics or a potential conflict of interest?

Has this case created an issue that here the prosecutor is, prosecuting someone who's accusing her?"

Although the Department of Justice office also has jurisdiction to investigate allegations of misconduct by law enforcement personnel, would it be ethical for the Prosecuting attorney Marietta Parker while directly involved with prosecuting a case, to also be involved with sending a Kansas City FBI agent by the name of Bob Schaefer, when that agency or Agent does not have jurisdiction over the Lawrence Kansas area, to investigate a formal complaint of police misconduct submitted by a defendant that the Prosecuting attorney Marietta Parker is overseeing the prosecution of?

Would it be a conflict of interest or potential question of ethics for Prosecuting Attorney Marietta Parker to have an FBI agent that she is associated with, and has a potential to pull favors with, to investigate a complaint against Law enforcement personnel that are handling a case she is personally associated with and currently working a case with?
FBI Agent

FBI agent Scott Gentine from the FBI in Topeka has confirmed Prosecuting U.S. Attorney Marietta Parker from the Kansas City Department of Justice sent down an agent by the name of Bob Schaefer from the Kansas City FBI to investigate a 2006 formal complaint submitted by Defense Attorney Sarah Swain to the Lawrence Police Departments Internal Affairs Sergeant Dan Ward on behalf of her clients Guy and Carrie Neighbors owners of the Yellow House Store, located in Lawrence Kansas.

It has been confirmed by the Kansas City FBI that investigations involving Lawrence Kansas are only handled by the Topeka FBI and are not within the jurisdiction of the Kansas City FBI agency.

FBI agencies typically will only handle cases within their jurisdictions. Yet that rule appears to have been overlooked in this particular case.

The rules of conflict of interest are designed to assure the public gets a fair deal! In order to provide a level of impartiality.

The law mandates that all parties have no connection, otherwise when personal interests are involved, an obstruction of justice, potential improprieties and corruption has a greater potential to occur. Especially where the potential of forfeitures for the Government agency exist.

Where is the credibility of an investigation that is burdened by actual and potential conflicts of interest, that is falsely announced as completed, when not a single interview took place, nor were any documents or affidavits reviewed by the Agent or the investigating agency?


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What would be considered acceptable communication between a prosecutor and the police during an investigation? When it did not take place in court, and it was not part of the prosecutor's trial preparation. When does this communication cross over the line to become conspiracy and obstruction of justice? see Buckley v. Fitzsimmons. 509 U.S. 259. 1993.

A question of a Prosecutors ethics, during an ongoing investigation that began in December 2005 and has continued through 2007.

When Lawrence Kansas citizens Guy and Carrie Neighbors submitted Formal complaints about police abuse and misconduct to Lawrence Kansas police Departments Internal Affairs Sergeant Dan Ward for investigation, instead of forwarding the complaints to the FBI in Topeka Kansas or the KBI for unbiased investigation by an outside agency, these complaints were forwarded to the Prosecuting U.S. Attorney Marietta Parker for evaluation and ultimate decision making.

When allegations of misconduct are alleged by a citizen against police officers, and no citizen review board is available, one might expect for the police to proceed autonomously in order to find the necessary evidence leading to clarification of all basic facts.


In this case the police did not proceed to notify the proper authorities for investigation.

The City of Lawrence City manager David Corliss also responded to several of Guy and Carrie Neighbors complaints with letters explaining that they would not pursue investigations into the Neighbors very serious civil rights violations and police misconduct allegations, due to the fact there was an ongoing investigation, which later expanded into fabricated vindictive retaliatory indictments.

As a result of existing professional relationships and personal involvements in the case it would be evident that a Prosecuting Attorney directly involved with the ongoing investigation would be ineffective and biased in making the decisions about citizen complaints and allegations that involve civil rights violations and police misconduct directly related to the defendants and potential witnesses in the case she is prosecuting.

As a result the complaints have remained uninvestigated, and have allowed the prosecutor to fabricate, tamper and falsify evidence, conspire with police to obstruct justice, and then be allowed to introduce that corrupted evidence into the judicial proceedings.
Because these aspects of the investigation did not take place in court, were not part of the prosecutor's trial preparation, and are directly linked to unscrupulous conspiring between the prosecutor and the police involved in the ongoing investigation, the Prosecutors actions have crossed over the line of ethics. This vindictive case has proven to be a travesty and disgrace to the entire judicial process.

The fact that the Prosecutor Marietta Parker conspired with Lawrence Police officers, delaying and creating obstructions of justice from the judicial process, conspired with police to commence a surveillance operation absent of a court order, ordered a fraudulent FBI investigation using the non resident agency for Douglas county, conspired with police to falsify documents, and conspired with a four time convicted felon Patrick Nieder to present PURJURY evidence to a grand jury, in order to shield herself from liability for any constitutional wrong against innocent citizens by ensuring that they go to trial. see Rev. Stat. 1979, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Clearly suggests liability of "every person" who, acting under color of state law, commits the prohibited acts.

Therefore U.S. Attorney Marietta Parker should be held accountable for her actions and removed from the Yellow House Store Prosecution.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Prosecuting AttorneyTerra Moreheads Motion For GAG ORDER is VINDICTIVE

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To prove her first point Terra Uses the case: Nebraska Press Ass'n v. Stuart,427 U.S. 539, 563, 96 S.Ct. 2791, 2806, 49 L.Ed.2d 683 (1976).

Research of this case reveals that this was a case regarding freedom of the press. Not the defendants personal right to inform the public using free speach about the ongoing injustice. The decision in this case was questionable and it was later ruled that the trial judge could have rectified the press situation by quote: The trial judge should have considered changing the location of the trial, postponing the trial, intensifying screening of prospective jurors, providing emphatic and clear instructions to jurors about judging the case only on the evidence presented in the courtroom or sequestering the jury.

In Sheppard v. Maxwell, 384 U.S. 333, 86 S.Ct. 1507, 1522 (1966) The pretrial publicity was deemed to have an adverse effect on the trial. Quote:that the court will only be justified in staying a trial on the ground of adverse pre-trial publicity, if the effect of the pre-trial publicity will be such as to render the verdict unsafe and unsatisfactory”. This is not the case in the Yellow House case.

Terra Morehead states:

The Government and the public are entitled to a fair trial. The Government believes that the defendant(s) have engaged in serious obstructive behavior, which serves to threaten the fairness of the trial.


Defendants have a right to defend themselves against the Governments Serious obstructive behavior, of giving slanderous and false information to the media and Judges repeatedly over a three year period. Being repeatedly falsly arested, shackeled & handcuffed and held for over 8 hours without food, and repeatedly searched void of valid search warrants, or with forged search warrants.

Terra Morehead States:

The defendants have disseminated patently false, prejudicial, defamatory and libelous information on this website about Government officials which have been intended to undermine and unduly influence the fair administration of justice.


The Government has disseminated patently false, prejudicial, defamatory and libelous information about the Defendants Guy and Carrie Neighbors to the Media including radio, tv news, and newspapers, In press releases on the U.S. Justice Department Web site, To Judges both in Federal and District Court, the FBI and Defense attorney's in relationship to this case. These false written and verbal Statements were intended to undermine and unduly influence the fair administration of justice.

In light of the Defendants upstanding position in the community, the fact that no violations of the bond have occured, and all statements made by the defendants have been backed up by documentation and evidence of Governmental misconduct, the defendants Guy and Carrie Neighbors respectfully feel it is the Government that needs TO BE GAGGED!



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vs. Case No. 07-20073-01/01-CM


The United States of America, by and through undersigned counsel, requests the
Court to reconsider Judge Lungstrum’s order of dismissal with prejudice of Count 2 of the
Indictment (Doc. 1) in this case, as pronounced in its Memorandum and Order (Doc. 36)
filed on December 21, 2007.


On December 7, 2006, Guy and Carrie Neighbors were charged by Indictment in 06-
20171-01/02-CM, with a single count of being unlawful users in possession of firearms, in
violation of Title 18, United States Code, §§ 922(g)(3), 924(a)(2) and 2.

On December 12,
2006, the defendants appeared before the court, were arraigned on the charge and then
released on conditions of bond. Guy Neighbors had retained attorney James George and
Carrie Neighbors had court appointed counsel R. Bruce Kips.

On March 26, 2007, the
Honorable Carlos Murguia scheduled a jury trial which was to commence on May 14, 2007.
An investigation was continuing involving both defendants' in a complicated
1The defendants were charged in 07-20124-01/02-KHV

on September 13, 2007.
This case was recently reassigned to the Honorable Carlos Murguia.
2This is an identical charge as the original count filed in 06-20171.

conspiracy to commit wire fraud and money laundering case,

1 in which cooperating
individuals/defendants were being interviewed. During the course of that ongoing
investigation, additional evidence in the firearm case was developed and as a result, the
Government believed additional charges would be proper. Because of the grand jury
schedule, the Government was unable to secure a Superseding Indictment prior to the
commencement of the jury trial.

The Government contacted counsel for the defendants
and inquired if they would agree to a continuance so that a Superseding Indictment could
be filed. Both attorneys, on behalf of their clients, declined to agree to a continuance.

On May 4, 2007, the Government filed a Motion for Dismissal (Doc. 23), without
prejudice, of the Indictment advising the Court that the Government had recently developed
additional evidence which would require further investigation and anticipated the filing of
additional charges.

On May 10, 2007, this Court granted the motion and dismissed the
Indictment without prejudice. (Doc. 24).

On June 20, 2007, an Indictment was filed in the instant case charging both
defendants' with Conspiracy to manufacture marijuana, in violation of Title 21, United
States Code, §§ 846, 841(a)(1) and (b)(1)(D) (Count 1); Being unlawful users in
possession of firearms, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, §§ 922(g)(3), 924(a)(2),
and 2(Count 2)2; and, two counts of Manufacture of marijuana, in violation of Title 21,
United States Code, §§ 846, 841(a)(1) and (b)(1)(D) and Title 18, United States Code, §2
(Counts 3 & 4). The Government also included a forfeiture allegation, seeking forfeiture
of eleven (11) firearms. (now missing from the LKPD evidence room.)

On June 25, 2007, the defendants appeared before the court, were arraigned on the
charges and then released on conditions of bond. Prior to their appearance, Government
counsel notified the court's bailiff, Lori Lopez, that this was a refiled case and that prior
counsel were James George and R. Bruce Kips. The court contacted both attorneys, who
indicated they were not desirous of being involved any further in the Neighbors case.

Consequently, the court appointed Alex McCauley for Guy Neighbors and Phillip Gibson
for Carrie Neighbors. Defense motions were scheduled to be filed on or before July 20,
2007, and any responses by the Government were to be filed on or before July 27, 2007.

The hearing on any motions was set for August 13, 2007.

On July 17, 2007, Guy
Neighbors filed a Motion for Extension of Time to File Pretrial Motions, which was set for
hearing on August 13, 2007.

On August 10, 2007, counsel for Guy Neighbors filed a
Motion for Withdrawal of Counsel due to a conflict.

At the hearing on August 13, 2007, the
court granted the motion to withdraw and took under advisement the motion for extension
of time to file pretrial motions.

The Court thereafter appointed new counsel, Dionne
Scherff, and a status conference was scheduled for August 23, 2007, at which time the
Court continued the matter at the request of the defendants to September 10, 2007.

At the
hearing on September 10, 2007, the Court granted the motion for extension of time to file
pretrial motions directing the defendants to file motions on or before October 15, 2007, with
Government responses due by October 29, 2007.

On September 11, 2007, Carrie
Neighbors filed a Motion to Dismiss Indictment (Doc. 24)

and on September 12, 2007,

3On October 15, 2007, counsel for Guy Neighbors filed a Motion to Join in Co-
Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Indictment (Doc. 28).
Neighbors, pro-se, filed the exact same motion (Doc. 25)3 claiming that the defendants'
rights to a speedy trial had been violated.

On November 5, 2007, the Honorable John W. Lungstrum heard arguments on
defendants’ motions on November 5, 2007.

On November 16, 2007, the court issued a
Memorandum and Order finding a violation of the Speedy Trial Act as to Count 2 only and
reserved the determination of whether to grant the motion with or without prejudice until
after an evidentiary hearing. (Doc. 33).

On November 27, 2007, the court held an
evidentiary hearing and on December 21, 2007, issued a Memorandum and Order
dismissing with prejudice Count 2 and reassigning the case to this Court. (Docs. 36 & 37).

In its Memorandum and Order (Doc. 33), the Court specifically found that the delay
was not the result of intentional dilatory conduct or a pattern of neglect or malicious intent
by the Government. Nevertheless, the Court found that the reprosecution of the Neighbors
would negatively affect the administration of justice. With this finding, the Court concluded
that a third reprosecution for the same offense on a charge that the court characterized as
not “very serious” would not unduly impair the enforcement of federal criminal laws. Id. at


Because there is no provision for a motion to reconsider in the Federal Rules of
Criminal Procedure, federal courts recognize motions to reconsider pursuant to the
common law doctrine articulated in United States v. Healy, 376 U.S. 75 (1964).
Additionally, federal courts find the standards for evaluating a motion to reconsider in the
civil context as relevant for evaluating a motion to reconsider in a criminal case. “A motion
to reconsider shall be based on (1) an intervening change in controlling law, (2) availability
of new evidence, or (3) the need to correct clear error or prevent manifest injustice.” D.
Kan. Rule 7.3(b). “A motion to reconsider is not a second chance for the losing party to
make its strongest case or to dress up arguments that previously failed.” Voelkel v.
General Motors Corp., 846 F. Supp. 1482, 1483 (D. Kan.), aff’d, 43 F.3d 1484, 1994 WL
708220 (10th Cir. Dec. 21, 1994).
A court’s rulings “are not intended as first drafts, subject to revision and
reconsideration at a litigant’s pleasure.” Quaker Alloy Casting v. Gulfco
Industries, Inc., 123 F. R. D. 282, 288 (N.D. Ill. 1988). A motion to reconsider
is appropriate if the court has obviously misapprehended a party’s position,
the facts, or applicable law, or if the party produces new evidence that could
not have been obtained through the exercise of due diligence. Comeau v.
Rupp, 810 F. Supp. 1172, 1175 (D. Kan. 1992); see Refrigeration Sales Co.
Inc. v. Mitchell-Jackson, Inc., 605 F. Supp. 6, 7 (N.D. Ill. 1983), aff’d, 770
F.2d 98 (7th Cir. 1985). A motion to reconsider is not appropriate if the
movant only wants the court to revisit issues already addressed or to hear
new arguments or supporting facts that could have been presented originally.
Comeau v. Rupp, 810 F. Supp. at 1175.
Koch v. Koch Industries, Inc., 6 F. Supp. 2d 1207, 1209 (D. Kan. 1998). The decision
whether to grant or deny a motion to reconsider is committed to the court’s sound
discretion. Hancock v. City of Oklahoma City, 857 F.2d 1394, 1395 (10th Cir. 1988).
The United States asks this Court to reconsider the ruling of the Memorandum and
Order to correct clear error or prevent manifest injustice. The court looked at the factors
referenced in 18 U.S.C. § 3162(a)(2), however, the Government respectfully challenges the
court’s assessment.

First, the court made reference that the defendants may possibly not be looking at
a lengthy term of imprisonment if in fact the firearms were part of a “collection”; the
Government believes the more appropriate consideration is that regardless of the
Sentencing Guidelines assessment, this charge is a felony firearms offense and should be
considered a serious offense.

Second, Judge Lungstrum found that the Government did not file a new indictment
for the purpose of intentional dilatory conduct or a pattern of neglect or malicious intent,
and because there was no finding of bad faith, dismissal with prejudice is the more
appropriate remedy. See United States v. Killion, 902 F.Supp. 1427,1429 (10th Cir. 1995);
United States v. Abdush-Shakur, 465 F.3d 458, 463 (10th Cir. 2006). In United States v.
Lopez, 1998 WL 892297, *3 (10th Cir. 1998), the court noted “[A] defendant who waits
passively while the time runs has less claim to dismissal with prejudice than does a
defendant who demands, but does not receive, prompt attention. Id. at 1094. Nor do we
find the length of the delay sufficiently prejudicial to warrant a dismissal with prejudice in
the absence of government misconduct. See United States v. Johnson, 29 F.3d 940, 945-
46 (5th Cir.1994) (188-day delay in bringing defendant to trial did not necessitate dismissal
with prejudice where delay was unintentional and government did not act in bad faith);
United States v. Koory, 20 F.3d 844, 848-49 (8th Cir.1994) (59-day delay beyond 70-day
Speedy Trial Act limitation did not mandate dismissal with prejudice).”

In the instant case,
Judge Lungstrum found that the Speedy Trial Act had been exceeded by only nine days.
(Doc. 33, at 7). Additionally, counsel for Mr. Neighbors filed a motion to extend the
deadlines in the instant case, which further demonstrates that he did not demand a speedy
Finally, the court addressed the adverse impact of reprosecution on administration
of justice and speedy trial act, including prejudice to defendants. Under the Sixth
Amendment to the United States Constitution, “[i]n all criminal prosecutions, the accused
shall enjoy the right to a speedy . . . trial.” U.S. CONST. Amend. VI. The purpose of this
“fundamental” right is to prevent undue and oppressive incarceration before trial, to
minimize “anxiety and concern accompanying public accusation,” and to limit the possibility
that a long delay will affect a defendant’s ability to defend himself. Klopfer v. North
Carolina, 386 U.S. 213, 222 - 224 (1967).

It should be noted that aside from the initial
arrest, the defendant’s were at liberty on conditions of release pending disposition of their

The court noted that if the Government were permitted to refile the charges, the
defendants would have to be arrested for a third time at their home or business.

This is not
correct, as the court could assure that a warrant not be issued, but instead be
accomplished by the issuance of a summons to appear at a designated time. The
Government would further agree to such an order or finding.

The court noted that the
Government would get a “new seventy-day clock”, however, there is nothing to
demonstrate any prejudice that the defendants’ would endure given the fact that they are
facing much more serious charges that remain pending in 07-20124-01/02-CM and would
be at liberty pending resolution in a third prosecution.

The Government would offer as newly discovered evidence and further support on
the adverse impact to the reprosecution of this charge and the lack of prejudice to the
defendants, obstructive behavior that the defendants have engaged in since the filing of the
court’s order. In this unique circumstance, the court’s finding disallowing reprosecution has
and would negatively affect the administration of justice.
THEREFORE, the United States respectfully requests that the Court reconsider its
order of dismissal as to Count 2 to prevent a clear error or manifest injustice to avoid the
consequences of their illegal actions.
Respectfully submitted,
Eric F. Melgren
United States Attorney
s/ Terra D. Morehead
Assistant United States Attorney
500 State Avenue, Suite 360
Kansas City, Kansas 66101
(913) 551-6730 (telephone)
(913) 551-6541 (facsimile)
E-mail: Terra.Morehead@usdoj.gov

Attorneys for Plaintiff
I hereby certify that on the 15th day of January, 2008, the foregoing was
electronically filed with the clerk of the court by using the CM/ECF system which will send
a notice of electronic filing to the following:
Dionne M. Scherff
Attorney for Guy Neighbors
Phillip R. Gibson
Attorney for Carrie Neighbors
s/ Terra D. Morehead
Assistant United States Attorney


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vs. Case No. 07-20073-01/01-CM



The United States of America, by and through undersigned counsel, requests the
Court issue a gag order preventing the parties from making extra-judicial statements that
threaten the fairness of the trial. In support of this motion the Government offers the

A “gag” order restricting parties and witnesses from making extra-judicial statements
about a case may be entered where: (1) there is a clear or serious threat to the fairness of
the trial; (2) less restrictive alternatives are not adequate to mitigate the harm; and (3) the
order would effectively prevent the threatened danger...” Nebraska Press Ass'n v. Stuart,
427 U.S. 539, 563, 96 S.Ct. 2791, 2806, 49 L.Ed.2d 683 (1976). “The courts must take
such steps ... that will protect their processes from prejudicial outside interferences.
Neither prosecutors, counsel for defense, the accused, witnesses, court staff, nor
enforcement officers coming under the jurisdiction of the court should be permitted to
frustrate its function.”Sheppard v. Maxwell, 384 U.S. 333, 86 S.Ct. 1507, 1522 (1966)
(emphasis added). This principle was reaffirmed in Gentile v. State Bar of Nevada, 501
Case 2:07-cr-20073-CM Document 40 Filed 01/15/2008 Page 1 of 3
U.S. 1030, 1072, 111 S.Ct. 2720, 2743 (1991). The Court gave direction to its dicta in
Sheppard and stated that “[w]e expressly contemplated that the speech of those
participating before the courts could be limited. ” Id. See also United States v. Edwards,
206 F.3d 461(5th Cir. 2000).

The Government and the public are entitled to a fair trial. The Government believes
that the defendant(s) have engaged in serious obstructive behavior, which serves to
threaten the fairness of the trial.

The Government would reference the Court to the website
attributed to the defendants:


and particularly to
specific entries that have been made in the past thirty days (since the filing of the order by
Judge Lungstrum dismissing with prejudice Count 2). The defendants have disseminated
patently false, prejudicial, defamatory and libelous information on this website about
Government officials which have been intended to undermine and unduly influence the fair
administration of justice.

These statements have the serious probable effect of impeding
justice because these statements cast Government officials in an unfavorable and false
light and could impact potential jurors.

THEREFORE, the United States respectfully requests that the Court issue an order
preventing the parties from directly or indirectly engaging in any further extra-judicial
statements pending the resolution of this case. The Court has the power and ability to
issue such a “gag” order; in light of the gravity of the defendants conduct to date, there are
no less restrictive alternatives available.

Case 2:07-cr-20073-CM Document 40 Filed 01/15/2008 Page 2 of 3

Respectfully submitted,
Eric F. Melgren
United States Attorney
s/ Terra D. Morehead
Assistant United States Attorney
500 State Avenue, Suite 360
Kansas City, Kansas 66101
(913) 551-6730 (telephone)

(913) 551-6541 (facsimile)


Attorneys for Plaintiff
I hereby certify that on the 15th day of January, 2008, the foregoing was
electronically filed with the clerk of the court by using the CM/ECF system which will send
a notice of electronic filing to the following:
Dionne M. Scherff
Attorney for Guy Neighbors
Phillip R. Gibson
Attorney for Carrie Neighbors

s/ Terra D. Morehead
Assistant United States Attorney
Case 2:07-cr-20073-CM Document 40 Filed 01/15/2008 Page 3 of 3

FUNNY! Hillary Clinton moving back to Washington

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Sunday, January 13, 2008


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Formal Complaint & request for FBI Investigation
Guy and Carrie Neighbors

Yellow House Store
1904 Massachusetts
Lawrence, Kansas, 66046

FBI Agent Scott Gentine

cc. Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius office
cc. Justice Dept Main office Washington Bureau
cc. Eric F. Melgren Kansas Justice Department
cc. Kansas Disciplinary Administrator Stanton A Hazlett
cc. Mark Vukelich Chief Civil Rights Unit
cc. Merrily A. Friedlander Chief, Coordination & review Civil Rights division.

Formal complaint alleging
conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, Perjury,
Falsification of an investigation, Impersonation of an FBI agent,
submission of False written Statements by a Government official.

Persons named in this complaint for questioning are
Lawrence Police officer Jay Bialek, Mickey Rantz, Sgt. Michael Patrick, Chief Ron Olin,
Kansas Justice Department Assistant Prosecuting attorney Marietta Parker, Terra Morehead, Jim Cross US Department of Justice,
and Kansas City FBI spokesperson Jeff Lanza, FBI Special Agent Bob (Walter) Shaefer, Kevin L Stafford, and Timothy A Gallagher Supervisory Special Agent.

In June of 2006, Sarah G. Swain, attorney for Guy and Carrie Neighbors submitted a complaint alleging that Lawrence Police officers Jay Bialek and Mickey Rantz were posing as FBI agents during the course of an investigation involving the Yellow House Store in Lawrence Kansas. The allegations involved Officers following people leaving the store or approaching customers of the store and making them believe they were the FBI, Or in some instances that the investigation was being handled by the FBI as a form of intimidation.
This allegation had been investigated by a private investigator Cecila Woods, and in the course of her investigation several written statements, interviews and affidavits were collected to substantiate the claims. Some correspondence took place between Sarah Swain, Ron Olin, officer Bialek, Kevin Stafford & Timothy A. Gallagher for agent Shaefer, and Marietta Parker. (see documents)

On April 19, 2006 A person posing as FBI Special Agent Bob (Walter) Shaefer from the Kansas City FBI office visited Attorney Swain at her office accompanied by Lawrence Police Sgt. Michael Patrick. Agent Shaefer informed Swain he would be investigating the complaints. The Lawrence Journal world did a story about the investigation into the police misconduct. (see document) In the June 15, 2006 J.W. story Jeff Lanza is quoted as saying: “We are attempting to resolve whether or not a person or persons falsely represented themselves as FBI agents,” FBI spokesman Jeff Lanza confirmed Wednesday. The FBI is also quoted as saying: "The sources also said the FBI was never involved in the actual fencing investigation, but was only involved because of allegations against the police."

June 21, 2006, According to an article in the LJ.world, Jeff Lanza announced the investigation was stalled due to a lack of a formal complaint. Even though it is documented that Sarah Swain had made numerous attempts to meet with Agent Shaefer, Had made as many as 6 phone calls in one day attempting to contact him and had correspondence with him through several letters and faxes both written from her office and received from the FBI office. (see documents)

On July 8th, 2006, Without any of the documents in Sarah Swain’s office being investigated, Jeff Lanza announced to the Lawrence Journal world that the FBI investigation had been completed. Quote: “We looked into the situation and found no evidence to indicate that anyone impersonated an FBI agent,” FBI spokesman Jeff Lanza said Friday. Although the FBI has announced the completion of the investigation, there is no record that the investigation ever took place. According to the Freedom of Information Act, the closed investigation would be a matter of public records available upon request.

Also after a recent inquiry with K.C. FBI office, it has been substantiated that there is no FBI Agent Bob or Walter Shaefer. It has also been substantiated that Lawrence Kansas investigations are conducted by the Topeka FBI agency and that Lawrence KS. would be considered out of the jurisdiction of the Kansas City FBI agency for investigation. The same day in retaliation for the submission of the formal complaint, another search warrant was also served on the Yellow House business and the owner’s residence. Using a Search warrant from a previous situation.

The Neighbors and several customers involved in the Yellow House case, have filed numerous Formal complaints against the Lawrence Police department and The Justice Department, for chain of custody issues, and missing evidence from the evidence room, submission of an altered video as evidence, submission of an altered receipt for same list, Slander, defamation of character, obstruction of justice, unlawful surveillance without a court order, vindictive prosecution, constitutional rights violations, harassment complaint by Annette Miller, racial profiling complaint by Charles Rayton, and several others.

In retaliation for the complaints we allege Marietta Parker and Terra D. Morehead at the Kansas Justice Dept. have vindictively continued to pile on charges and indictments using circumstantial unsubstantiated evidence, arrested Guy & Carrie Neighbors and had them held over 8 hours in cells without food quote from Terra Morehead "To show them who is boss," and repeatedly released erroneous false libelous information to the media. They have brought charges and arrested the Neighbors, dismissed the charges, refilled the same charges and arrested them again without new incidents, then piled on more outrageous charges through a third Indictment.

On Wed. Sept 12, 2007 Jim Cross released a press release that was faxed and emailed to the Media, announcing a Federal Indictment on Guy and Carrie Neighbors, this ran on the 6pm news and in the LJworld morning paper, but the Neighbors nor their attorneys were not notified until about 4pm on Sept 14th. And were forced to learn about the indictment from the media.

A false written statement Dated Sept 12, 2007 on the Department of Justice web site states that Guy and Carrie Neighbors were Indicted and that the Lawrence Police dept and The Federal Bureau of Investigation had worked the case. It has already been substantiated that The FBI in K.C. is out of Lawrence Jurisdiction and the FBI in Topeka has not been involved in any investigations involving the Yellow House Store. The Postal Service and the I.R.S. agents Rob Jackson and David Nitz originally investigating the case have stepped down from the investigation and are no longer involved in the case.

Agent Scott Gentine,
Respectively we ask for a full investigation into this matter.
Thank-you Guy and Carrie Neighbors. Yellow House Store, 1904 Massachusetts, Lawrence Kansas.

YELLOW HOUSE CASE prosecutorial vindictiveness U.S. Justice Department PROSECUTOR'S PERJURY INDICTMENT

This has got to be the strangest indictment ever in the history of The Kansas U.S. Department of Justice! A case of ''prosecutorial vindictiveness'' Aquired with perjury testimony presented to a Grand Jury by Prosecutor Marietta Parker to intentionally distort the truth.

News of the 19 count Federal indictment was released to the media 3 days before the defendants Guy and Carrie Neighbors were even officially served or notified of the charges!

That’s right the Neighbors found out about their indictment while sitting in front of the TV watching the 6pm news Wednesday evening!

The next day Customers and the media were calling the Neighbors about the latest 19 count Federal indictment. The Neighbors had no idea what was going on, "what indictment?" Carrie Neighbors called her attorney Phil Gibson and asked him if she and her husband Guy had been indicted. He replied "he had not heard anything about it" he then proceeded to check his emails and messages; he informed Carrie that he did not know anything.

The two Government agencies (The postal service and the IRS) investigating the case removed themselves prior to the indictment.
Yet the next day two agents Postal Inspector David Nitz and I.R.S. Agent Rob Jackson showed up at the Yellow House Store with a copy of the indictment. They told the defendants they would not be arrested this time; they were just to show up in court on Thursday.

However because the Agents were no longer involved with the case, the serving of the indictment was not official!
The Neighbors were served a second time at the Justice Department Just one hour before going before the Judge by a U.S. Marshall, and informed “now its official”

The Indictment was officially announced on the U.S. Department of Justice Website press release page. However because the Postal Inspector and IRS had both stepped down from the case and there was no official Government Agency backing the charges, the Justice dept. told a little white lie (also called a false written statement or purjury) and put at the bottom of the press release that the case had been investigated by the FBI!!!

At the bottom of this page is the 19 count indictment.
As you can see on the last page, the complainant agency is listed as "The Lawrence Kansas Police Department, officer Mickey Rantz."
So Guy Neighbors went to the LKPD to file a formal complaint regarding the indictment. He was informed by Lawrence Kansas Police Sgt. Paul Fellers that the LKPD had no involvement with the arrest or indictment. He stated quote "Its Federal".

How can a complainant agency not have anything to do with the charges?

Here are my questions...
How can a Federal Indictment not have any federal Agencies backing up the Indictment?

How can a Federal Indictment list the Lawrence Kansas Police dept and a street patrol police officer as the complainant agency?

How can a Federal Indictment have most of the Warrants and Subpoenas issued by a District Court Judge instead of a Federal judge, even after the District court Attorney Charles Branson refused to take the case?

Why would a Federal Prosecutor Terra Morehead & Marietta Parker take a case that is based Solly on hearsay by people with no credibility?

Why would Federal Prosecutor's Terra Morehead & Marietta Parker take a case the Prosecuting District Attorney charles Branson in Lawrence Kansas did not want to prosecute?

Why would a Federal Prosecutor Marietta Parker & Terra Morehead under the direction of Eric Melgren take a case that only has circumstantial non-credible evidence?

Why would a Federal Prosecutor take a case that requires perjury testimony to get an indictment?

see the 19 count egregious indictment:


Saturday, January 12, 2008

THE CHOICE, A poem & personal story about a baby lost to abortion

My best friend had a fight with her parents, because they did not like her boyfriend. At the time she was secretly 3 months pregnant.

They gave her a choice, break up with him or move out.

Since she was pregnant she chose to move in with him. This really upset her parents and they stopped speaking. After a couple of months living with her boyfriend things were not going so well. He was not ready to be a father. By now she was nearly 6 months along feeling kicks and wearing maternity clothes. She still was not talking to her parents.

He gave her a choice. Either get rid of the kid or move out!

Feeling trapped she chose to have the abortion. It was a difficult late term abortion. It took 24 hours of pain. When the baby came out, the doctor asked her if she wanted to know what it was, she replied "no". At that point the nurse held up a fully formed baby with a full head of hair and said "oh it was a boy" she then proceeded to toss the baby into a bucket that was sitting on the floor next to the bed.
This was a horrible experience for a 17 year old girl to have to go through. I have often wondered if I could have done more. I don't judge people for the choices they make. But I have often wondered "what if?"
I wrote this poem in memory of the baby that had no choice, had no voice, was he really just a choice?
Perhaps through my poem he does still have a voice!



A baby's life somehow occurred,
Though his voice was never heard.
To small to even understand
How his life could be unplanned.

Though he had a beating heart
He was doomed right from the start,
We'll never know how great his worth
Had he walked upon this earth!

How great a price the world will pay
Because his life was thrown away.
No mercy for this tiny soul
A burden far from his control.

Did he suffer did he cry?
About to die did he wonder why?
No love was shown
his face unknown
No one to claim him for their own!

He had no rights, he had no voice
He was simply just a choice!
I doubt his mom will soon forget
That little choice she never met!

Years from now she'll cry with grief
From choices past, there's no relief,
A heavy burden she must bear,
For this child that is not there.

Because a baby's life occurred
Although his cries were never heard
Perhaps it still is not too late,
To save another from his fate.

If just one heart on earth was stirred
To know this baby's life occurred
One small voice can now rejoice
He was more than just a choice!


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Police Corruption In Lawrence Kansas begins with non compliance of Department policies and procedures

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When an unreliable informant is used in a case, the case itself can become corrupt.

When police offer favors or money to an individual, or individuals to aid them in an investigation, then the reliability of the facts of the case along with the integrity of the judicial system itself becomes in question.

Quote from Lawrence Police Policy manual Page 117 (A.) SI-Secret informant=Monetary compensation, consideration on charges, or otherwise, has the potential to provide reasonable suspicion or probable cause in the furtherance of an investigation. Officer handling the Si will create a background file that includes Section9(A) 2. Warrant checks, NCIC checks, Criminal History. See entire policy on informants page 115, 117, 118, 119, 120.


A corrupt investigation cannot be rectified by informants with criminal histories, or testimony of witnesses that is mere hearsay, especially when the individuals have an interest of personal gain in exchange for the hearsay testimony.

Police have policies and procedures that they are supposed to follow during the process of recruiting informants. This protects the precious integrity of the courts and the constitutional rights of the individuals involved. That has not always been the case in Lawrence’s Police dept.

Here is a past example of Lawrence Police Dept. corruption:
Quote: Fired Lawrence Police Officer Stuart "Mike" Peck wasn't following the rules when he recruited drug informants and did favors for them.
There were no rules to follow
Unlike many police departments, the Lawrence Police Department has no written procedures for working with confidential informants.
Taken from Lawrence Journal World Sunday April 20, 2003. Only after this violation occured did the Lawrence Police put new policies in place.

When policies are not followed and police officers become undisciplined people get hurt. This is a dangerous situation, considering the public is at the mercy of a very powerful entity.

Are the Lawrence Kansas Police Department policies being followed?

See interview of informant recruited by Lawrence Police asking him to help them run a sting operation on the Yellow House.
This is the same informant that was deemed unreliable, has a criminal history, and was the main player in Mike Peck’s case.
interview with informant pg1interview with brad police snitch pg2

click on link for close-up view of interview conducted by a private investigator.


Why would these officers approach him and attempt to use him against the Yellow House? Isn’t this clearly a violation of the policy and procedure manual?