smitty (Anonymous) says…
In our town it's the police chief that co-writes the racist statements.
former detective files claim against the city
Ric Anderson, J-W Staff Writer
February 10, 1993
A former Lawrence police detective who believes he was fired in retaliation for bringing allegations of racial insensitivity against department supervisors has filed a claim against the city seeking reinstatement or a $1.5 million settlement.
In a seven-page claim filed Tuesday, David Davis said supervisors committed a breach of contract when they suspended and fired him after he had spent 15 years on the force.
The claim largely mirrors a motion Davis filed in mid-January in Douglas County District Court seeking a court order that would force the city to turn over documents related to his firing.
davis said he needed the documents to defend himself in grievances he filed against the city after his suspension and firing.
Although most information in the claim already has been publicized, the claim contains some new details.
Among them, Davis alleges that Lawrence Police Chief Ron Olin helped write a story for the state Fraternal Order of Police magazine that enraged local Native Americans because of references about the deaths of several Indian men.
In the story, former police department spokesman Chris Mulvenon responded to media reports hinting that a serial killer was involved by writing “the only evidence pointing to a serial in the case was cereal malt beverage.”
When the story was published in March 1991, Olin said he hadn't read it. In response to complaints about the article, Mulvenon was reassigned…….
6 May 2007 at 1:14 p.m.
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smitty (Anonymous) says…
Harry Oliver…hit and run death on Mass..never solved
Sandoval found floating the Kaw…never solved
Dawes..found floating in the Kaw…never solved
Bread…hit and run on east 15th….suspest arrested in the last 2 hours before statute of limitaions were up….the woman in the van the night of the hit and run had reported to the father of her child and several other people that she was the one driving but she was not arrested. KBI notified but…questionable resolution to the death and not solved at the time of the article.
Hispanic woman found in a culvert by Stull and thought to be confused for a native…never solved.
These are the majority of the deaths that had the native community fearful of the serial killer.
This is the way Olin, our police chief handeled the public realtions of their expressed fear. This is the attitude Olin cultivated with in his police force that led to the irrational actions of Bordman in Sevier's death that soon followed.
Olin's racism has yet to be addressed by our city.
9 March 2007 at 10:09 a.m.
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adky (Anonymous) says…
What a joke! LPD should spend time training its own officers interviewing and evidence-collection techniques, homicide and drug investigations, vehicle stops and hostage negotiations. It would do far more to convince us that we have a department that protects and serves than this public relations stunt.
9 March 2007 at 10:24 a.m.
Confrontation (Anonymous) says…
I took the class more than 5 years ago, and I thought it was great. I was in a class with several well-known (non-police) Lawrence personalities, and I can see why the city is such a mess. Other than that, the police department provided a very informative course.
9 March 2007 at 11:14 a.m.
smitty (Anonymous) says…
This program was created in the after math of the LPD killing of Gregg Sevier. The Peer Review Panel recommended community policing so this academy was Olin's response along with the bicycle patrol. Only this year did the Olin start a community policing program with “two” officers(recently in the news). Take note that the citizen's police academy program was createed after the 1991 killing and ran every few months at first but the public lost interest in it or was it trust?
To believe that the public is well informed about the LPD is ignorance.
9 March 2007 at 1:26 p.m.
smitty (Anonymous) says…
But you will not learn how a police chief and his staff can cover up the circumstances of a police killing.
9 March 2007 at 5:24 p.m.
frwent (Anonymous) says…
How about hiring and retention policies??? Keeping officers that have shown personal irresponsibility and moral terpitude lack?? You cannot get a job with most government agencies with personal irresponsibility like bankrupcy, why is there an officer on the LPD with this striike against him????? Huh, Chief Olin??????
3 February 2006 at 7:07 a.m.
31 January 2006 at 8:49 a.m.
smitty (Anonymous) says…
Believe it if you must.
Here is the first portion of the resignation story on Jim Flory when he left the DA's office in 1991:
district attorney resigns
Ric Anderson, J-W Staff Writer
Tuesday, May 21, 1991
Douglas County Dist. Atty. Jim Flory announced today that he is leaving his job as the county's chief prosecutor effective June 17 to become an assistant U.S. attorney.
Flory said he decided to resign on April 16, when he accepted an appointment as an assistant U.S. attorney in Kansas City, Kan. Flory, 42, has been Douglas County district attorney since 1985, and his current term was to expire in January 1993.
“As is customary in such appointments, the offer was conditioned upon approval by the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., and that final approval was received by the United States attorney just last week,” Flory said.
Flory said his resignation had “absolutely nothing to do with” controversy surrounding the April 21 shooting death of 22-year-old Gregory Sevier, a Native American man, by Lawrence police.
Critics alleged that Flory was biased in favor of the police officers involved and have called for his resignation. After a coroner's jury ruled that the officers were justified, Flory ended his investigation.
flory said the timing of his decision indicates the resignation was not related to the Sevier shooting.
“Any critics that believe they have something to do with it are welcome to that opinion,” he said. “It's inaccurate.”
He said he has “lived in controversy for the past six years” and could have dealt with the current situation.
A statement released today from the office of U.S. Atty. Lee Thompson says that steps have been taken to remove the U.S. attorney's office from a Federal Bureau of Investigation civil rights investigation into the Sevier shooting. Thompson announced the investigation several days after the shooting.
“Although Mr. Flory's duties will not be even remotely related to the Sevier case, under the circumstances I decided to request that the Department of Justice take charge of the case, and that request has been approved,” the statement quotes Thompson as saying.
The statement says Assistant U.S. Atty. Gen. John R. Dunne, chief of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, has assigned the case to Dan Bell, deputy chief of the criminal section of the Civil Rights Division….***
And now he leaves the federal office to go on to “pursue new adventures”???
smitty (Anonymous) says…
I realize it is easier to act the ignorant fools than actually take the time to research the facts. But facts seldom are required to post on the forum. Here are a few facts, researched and substantiated with transcripts and official documents on file now at the court house. Or at least most of the documents are still there. Some are missing. Wonder what happened to the missing data?
At the time of the inquest there was a drawing of the six bullet paths summited as evidence. This drawing was from the autopsy. Only the drawing was summitted as evidence not the entire autopsy of even parts of it.
Today, if you were to go to the court house and ask to see the autopsy and inquest transcript you will find the complete autopsy filed with the transcript as if it had been part of the evidence all along.
When the autopsy was filed at the county clerk's office a few days after the trial there was a time stamp to show when filed. However the time stamp didn't match with the filing date so I stood there while the county clerk made a hand written note correcting the data.
That cover page is now missing from the autopsy. The autopsy is filed with the inquest transcript as if it were part of the evidence all along.
If for any reason the inquest was investigated or studied, the correct information about the trial and the autopsy would be offically misreprestented. There needs to be an outside investigation into the inquest and autopsy to answer the many discrepancies.
The autopsy diagram drawn by ex-DA Moddrell from the written report by ME Kriss Speary, grossly misdiagrams the paths of the bullets. Perjury and obstruction of justice by Moddrell with the knowledge and guidance from Flory?
Ex-DA Flory was the first person Olin summoned to the death scene even though the law required for the coroner to be called immediately. Flory and Olin were at the scene for over two hours before Moddrell was even called. Flory participated in this break in legal procedures.
Flory ran the inquest knowing there had been several breaks in the law through his own sight and participation. Flory participated in obstruction of justice before the inquest and at the inquest.
Conspiracy therory and suicide by police are a couple of buzz phrases to come out of the abuse of powers.
3 February 2006 at 12:10 p.m.
smitty (Anonymous) says…
correction>>>The autopsy diagram drawn by ex-coroner (not DA) Moddrell from the written report by ME Kriss Speary, grossly misdiagrams the paths of the bullets. Perjury and obstruction of justice by Moddrell with the knowledge and guidance from Flory?
One of those paths is describled by Sperry as entering the 5th intercostal and grazing the right lobe of the liver, then passing through the hepatic flexure before stopping in the peronial cavity. Sperry's description is a line from just under the armpit and downward sharply through the flexure, the large colon's turn just under the liver. Of course grazing of the right lobe of the liver is the bullet passing between the rib inner side of the cage and the liver.
Moddrell's drawing is a path from the lower right armpit to a spot just above the lowest pint on the sternum. Almost a 90 angle difference from autopsy report and no ways near the hepatic flexure described by Sperry.
The path that Moddrell feloniosuly drew is parallel to the floor if the victim was standing upright.
A second bullet is described by Sperry as entering the sternum at the 4th rib, passing through the heart and stopping against the left posterior area of the 10th rib. That is a line sharply downward from high center chest to the rear side area of the last long rib.
Moddrell drew that bullet path from the sternum at the 4th rib to a stopping point in the axilia area which is the left armpit.
Again another felony by Moddrell in the drawn line parallel to the floor if a person was standing upright.
The jury only had the diagram of Moddrell's and the evidence that Flory allowed at the inquest but no onther autopsy data.
And now information linking the location and entery dates of the autopsy are missing in the court documents. Fifteen years ago this April 21st this death happened at the hands of the LPD. We still don't have an honest review of the circumstances surounding the death. Only the perjuried data that Olin, Moddrell, and the retiring Flory allowed.
Yes Casey, you sparked our interest and we started to research some things.
We found there are some interesting similarities between the Sevier case and the Yellow House case.
One we found interesting was that Judge Ralph King was the Judge that presided over the hearing of the two officers that shot Sevier.
Our first question is why was this not in Federal court?
Why did no one question the conflict of interest in having a Judge these officers work with on a daily basis right here in Lawrence? Oversee such an important issue involving police officers and possible murder?
Why was everything handled without any oversight from an outside agency and why was that never questioned?
Judge King was the same Judge that heard the Yellow House Toy Star case in 1993.
Why would that judge allow such a charge to waist the courts time trying the Yellow House owners? Why was the corrupt Yellow House Toy case not dismissed by Judge King?
Before the case went to trial the D.A. had already publicly admitted the stars did not even meet the qualifications of being illegal. Yet the Yellow House owners were tried and convicted in Judge Kings Court for selling TOY STARS!
(Proving the stars were only illegal inside the Yellow House, But according to the Sheriff Anderson not illegal at the Douglas County fair the day after the trial)
It appears kind of comical and naïve how the attorney for the Seviers felt because the FBI was investigating things were going to be straight up.
Did anybody ever check to see if the right resident FBI agency for Lawrence was investigating the case?
Were any FBI agents or Judges from outside of the area called in to oversee the investigation and make sure there were no conflicts of interest?
AHH yes and the Police Review Board issues even back then!
Commissioners arguing if one is needed or not. What is a couple of dead Indians and a few civil rights violations? Why would the police need a review board?
In the Yellow House case Sue Hack strongly apposed a review board because she does not feel officials need oversight, or the public can understand these types of jobs. We are a very stupid public indeed..
The Prosecuting D.A. That prosecuted the Yellow House in the tOY Star Case was Frank Deal.
In the Latest Yellow House case the Yellow House filed a complaint with the Bar Association against a defense attorney, alleging he was in coercion with the prosecution. The complaint was not investigated and dismissed as unfounded and the head of the Bar association that investigates complaints is ....Frank Deal! (Conflict of interest?)
Quote from Casey:
That shooting 16+ years ago, MJ, where it concerned the FBI was about the civil rights end. No where has anyone except thru straw arguments by police has named the FBI was part of a conspiracy to cover up the killing.
The FBI did not find any civil rights infractions but they were never asked to investigate the circumstances of the murder, only civil rights.
However the FBI will not explain how an officer arrives at the home then initiates a call to dispatch that put all transmissions on emergency hold. Bordman declared it an emergency when he visually, no other means, recognized the Seviers as natives. The FBI found no civil rights infractions even when an emergency is declared based solely on racial recognition that resulted in the shooting death of a citizen forced from a locked room.
I also think that the FBI agent that did the CR investigation has the same name as the agent that the YH has named it their comments. Not positive though unless I do some digging. The name was published in the JW but I've looked hard and can not find it in the archives. Some of the of these JW articles about that murder are found under commas or unrelated headings that make the search for facts very difficult.
Of course, after the above comment MJ may jump in and declare conspiracy theory again while NEVER addressing facts. When facts about the Sevier murder are presented it sure has made the local cops defensive and nervous for years. Hopefully, if the YH is successful, they will be remembered by LE for years
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