Tuesday, March 18, 2008



Yesterday March 17, 2008 Lawrence Police Officer Jay Rozell came into our business. He claimed to be investigating a burglary and wanted to question me and find out if any of the stolen property had been sold to the Yellow House. Guy had been at the business all day and had just left to go do a delivery. Guy's friend Mike Coffman had stopped by to hang out with me while Guy was out.

Officer Rozell pulled up in his police cruiser in Uniform and entered the store.
I was very nervous about dealing with this officer in light of the fact he has violated my rights in the past
The first time was when he entered my store in 2005 and attempted to search my property without a search warrant. At that time he confiscated a roadmaster bicycle without even checking the serial numbers that he claimed had been stolen from the State Of Florida. The next time I had contact with officer Rozell was after a customer by the name of Ray Williams came into my store and questioned me about a $30 Champion air compressor he had noticed was missing from his garage. He described it as a small blue tank. I remembered buying one like that 3 months earlier and I looked up the paperwork for him. After I showed him the paperwork he informed me that the person that had filled out the sellers form was his son-in law. I made copies of the sellers form for him and told him to make a police report. Officer Rozell came in the next day and questioned me about the air compressor. I gave the officer my statement and informed him the air compressor had been sold several months ago and I did not have the identity of the buyer. The following Monday officer Rozell led a team of five officers executing a search warrant against me. This search warrant was a violation of police department procedure and policy and there is a possibility the Judge's name (Stephen Six) was forged
Considering this officer has executed illegal searches against the business, Lawrence Police officer Mickey Rantz has planted evidence in connection with the ongoing investigation. And we have turned in several formal complaints to the Lawrence Police Departments Internal affairs unit in regards to this officer’s conduct and the misconduct of others that have been involved in this ongoing violation of our basic Civil rights.
I am not sure why this officer would believe at this point it would be feasible to work with him, or give him any information.
I believe it was just a ploy of intimidation by the Lawrence Kansas Police department along with an attempt to get information they could use to get another search warrant on the business.
I called guy and handed the phone to the officer. Guy informed the officer that while we are involved in this ongoing violation of our rights that he is involved in; he is not welcome on our property and asked him to leave. Guy then called the officers Supervisor Sgt. Warren and informed him the same thing.

Lawrence Kansas Police Department is very aware of the fact we have attorney representation and should be respecting the fact we have a right to counsel when being questioned about any stolen property during this ongoing investigation.

PS. I do plan to file a formal complaint with Lawrence Kansas Police Departments Internal Affairs. In light of the pending charges against our business, and the allegation of police misconduct, in order to protect everyones interest and rights in this case, we feel any contact with the police regarding stolen property should be carried out in the presense of counsel.

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