The above exhibit are copies of the Blog that the Prosecutor possibly copied from the defendants blogging site? These copied blogs with the edit tools appearing as shown were turned into A Federal Judge In Federal court as evidence!
Notice at the bottom of the Profile the little wrench and screwdriver icon. Those two icons only appear when one is logged into the blog site as the poster with the password!
Could it be the prosecutor has served a warrant on the internet provider for the defendant and gotten all the passwords for his I.P. address?
This warrant also would allow the prosecutor access to the passwords to log into the email of the defendant and read the attorney client email communication! And passwords in relation to any other site the defendant may use!
How many search warrants, subpoenas, Arrests, false charges and violations of privacy is a Prosecutor with no supporting evidence in a case entitiled too?
SINCE 2005:
The defendants in this case have been subjected to 3 search warrants executed against the Business, 2 search warrants on their residence, 2 searches by police and an agent absent of a search warrant on the residence, One unwarranted search of the defendants personal property, Subpoenas have been issued on the defendants internet provider, several Financial banking institutions, Financial and business documents going back 5 years, Paypal, ebay, and Lawrence Journal worlds public forum user identities. And not a single warrant since 2005 has resulted in credible evidence of wrong doing.
This goes against everything our Soldiers fight and die for, and what our Constitution is suppose to protect us from!
Go down to the bottom of the blog exhibit.
Notice the pencil icon just below the little envelope at the very bottom of each post, This icon does NOT automatically appear when the poster logs in. This icon ONLY appears when one goes to the edit page and then goes back to the blogging page.
Why would the prosecutor be logging into the defendants blog site and clicking on the edit features?
One might question if the exhibits turned into the courts are original?
Could this be the prosecutor attempting to find the source; then cover up for the fact that a source revealed through an annonymous email through the Google blogger to the defendants that the Prosecutor Marietta Parker was in her office mad, and heard by co-workers yelling the "N" word before the defendants were to appear in court?
How can all the corrupted evidence in this case ever be considered authentic in FEDERAL COURT?
Since the defendants in this case are innocent and have nothing to hide, we can guarantee this violation of privacy has not been of any benefit to the prosecution!
It is just sad that the Government has so little respect for a defendants privacy and so much power to challenge the line of investigatory needs over to crossing the line of ethics and entering into the realm of obstructing justice, falsifying, forging and corrupting evidence in an effort to frame the innocent defendants in Federal court.
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