KANSAS CITY, KAN. – Carrie Marie Neighbors, ??, ??, and Guy Madison Neighbors, ??, ??, are charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud, and money laundering in connection with the alleged sale of stolen goods.
But there has been no victims called to pick up a single stolen item, there was no income tax evasion, and there are no known conspirators!
The indictment alleges the Neighbors knowingly purchased stolen goods and resold them, conducting some of the transactions on E-bay.
To knowingly prove somebody is doing something wrong, don't you first have to prove with the evidence there was a crime? Apparently "NOT" in the Kansas Federal Court!
The crimes are alleged to have occurred at various times from Jan. 5, 2005, to Nov. 30, 2005 in Lawrence, Kan.
These dates keep getting changed! The Government can't decide if they want to claim it was two years, four years or 11 months! But maybe we should give the Government a break, because these kinds of inconsistancy are expected when a lie is being told! The truth is the only thing that never changes!
The 19-count indictment includes the following charges against each of the Neighbors:– One count of conspiracy– 14 counts of wire fraud– 4 counts of money laundering
According to the indictment:– Carrie Neighbors owned Yellow House Quality Appliance, Inc., at 1904 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Kan., and Guy Neighbors owned Yellow House at 1835 NW Topeka Boulevard, #131, in Topeka, Kan.
True, however the store in Topeka was never under investigation! Guy Neighbors never met a single witness nor purchased a single item from the witnesses named on the indictment, no sting operations or videos were made in the Topeka store. So apparently the Prosecutor mentions the store in Topeka because she hates black people and she can't let him get away.
– Both stores bought and sold power tools, clothing, appliances, electronics and other personal property. Some of the items were resold over the Internet on e-Bay.
True, but buying and selling merchandise is not a crime. Selling on e-Bay is not a crime. That is what second hand stores do!
– The Neighbors had bank accounts at Commerce Bank and Intrust Bank in Lawrence.
True the Neighbors had legitimate business bank accounts!
– The neighbors purchased items, some of which were stolen, for resale. Some of the items were “new-in-the-box” and cost the Neighbors about 50 percent of their retail value.
Yes the Neighbors purchased items from individuals for resale. Sometimes new and sometimes used, from people representing themselves as the legal owners of the property. Paying 50-80% of the retail value, because the sellers claimed to be purchasing the items and needed to make a profit also. It would be ridiculous for someone to believe the Neighbors were paying such high prices for things they knew were stolen!
The Neighbors knowingly purchased stolen items from individuals identified in the indictment as L.P., N.P., J.L., M.A., P.N., S.B.C, T.K., N.B., and others.
This list of initials that represent so called witnesses is a joke. One person on the list was banned from the store at least 7 months prior to the first search warrant even being served on the business in 2005. It was already established during pretrial hearings (One before a Federal Judge) that three of the names have given perjured testimony to a grand Jury, and at least one person on the list made a documented false police report. Others have been racially profiled, threatened, and harassed at their jobs by officers involved in the Yellow House investigation attempting to intimidate witnesses into giving a false testimony.
Checks paying for the stolen items carried notations including “tools,” “toothbrushes,” “mixer,” “computer monitor,” “drill sharpener,” “vacuum,” “Compaq Computer,” “fish finder,” and so on. Items purchased include a Trutech DVD system, a 2-gigabyte IPOD Nano, a portable DVD Player, a Garmin eTrex GPS Receiver and so on.– The Neighbors transferred money and checks drawn on their bank accounts to purchase stolen property.
------------------YELLOW HOUSE ANSWER:
Yes the Neighbors paid with checks for everything, drawn from the businesses bank accounts, that money from the business was deposited in.. Purchasing goods from individuals at fair market prices. Notations were made on the checks to document what was purchased.. But there are absolutely no notations that any item was "stolen property" on the checks!
The indictment seeks a $525,000 money judgement, representing the proceeds from the alleged crimes.
This amount has gone from $36 million, to $30 million, to $1.6 million to $1 million, to "tens of thousands" to $600,000. down to $300,00. Now back up to $525,00 for the indictment. (Here again the Government just needs to get their lie straight!)
However in the latest Department of Justice press release the Government claims two people (conspirators) sold stolen property to the Yellow House! One mans amount was $30,000, and the other guy's number was $100,000, in one year.
However during preliminary dicussions, before these witnesses took the plea, these amounts for these two individuals were only estimated amounts over a 5 year period. Still those two amounts do not total $525,000. Seems to me Somebody in the Federal Government needs to go back to grade school and take a math class!
Upon conviction, the alleged crimes carry the following penalties:– Conspiracy: A maximum penalty of 5 years in federal prison and a fine up to $250,000.– Wire fraud: A maximum penalty of 20 years in federal prison and a fine up to $250,000.– Money laundering: A maximum penalty of 20 years and a fine up to $500,000.
The Lawrence Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation worked on the case. Assistant U.S. Attorney Marietta Parker is prosecuting.
The indictment claims the Federal Bureau of Investigation worked the case, however the FBI in Topeka and Kansas City claimed that was false. Both agencies claimed they had never heard of the Yellow House, and no investigation involving the Yellow House businesses ever took place by either agency!
The TRUTH never changes!
It will always take you down the same path!
There can be no Justice in a case when the Government only seeks to lie, conspire, destroy and plant evidence and even go to great lengths to coverup the truth at all costs in order to get a conviction in Federal court and attempt to send innocent defendants to prison on false charges.
“Sincere forgiveness carries no expectations from the forgiven. Life always feeds back truth to people in its own way and time”
Because truth is stronger than a lie I know the truth will prevail, I pray God will have mercy on the ones who have chosen to travel down this road of deceipt.
KANSAS CITY, KAN. – Carrie Marie Neighbors, ??, ??, and Guy Madison Neighbors, ??, ??, are charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud, and money laundering in connection with the alleged sale of stolen goods.
The indictment alleges the Neighbors knowingly purchased stolen goods and resold them, conducting some of the transactions on E-bay. The crimes are alleged to have occurred at various times from Jan. 5, 2005, to Nov. 30, 2005 in Lawrence, Kan.
The 19-count indictment includes the following charges against each of the Neighbors:
– One count of conspiracy
– 14 counts of wire fraud
– 4 counts of money laundering
According to the indictment:
– Carrie Neighbors owned Yellow House Quality Appliance, Inc., at 1904 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Kan., and Guy Neighbors owned Yellow House at 1835 NW Topeka Boulevard, #131, in Topeka, Kan.
– Both stores bought and sold power tools, clothing, appliances, electronics and other personal property. Some of the items were resold over the Internet on e-Bay.
– The Neighbors had bank accounts at Commerce Bank and Intrust Bank in Lawrence.
– The neighbors purchased items, some of which were stolen, for resale. Some of the items were “new-in-the-box” and cost the Neighbors about 50 percent of their retail value.
– The Neighbors knowingly purchased stolen items from individuals identified in the indictment as L.P., N.P., J.L., M.A., P.N., S.B.C, T.K., N.B., and others. Checks paying for the stolen items carried notations including “tools,” “toothbrushes,” “mixer,” “computer monitor,” “drill sharpener,” “vacuum,” “Compaq Computer,” “fish finder,” and so on. Items purchased include a Trutech DVD system, a 2-gigabyte IPOD Nano, a portable DVD Player, a Garmin eTrex GPS Receiver and so on.
– The Neighbors transferred money and checks drawn on their bank accounts to purchase stolen property.
The indictment seeks a $525,000 money judgement, representing the proceeds from the alleged crimes.
Upon conviction, the alleged crimes carry the following penalties:
– Conspiracy: A maximum penalty of 5 years in federal prison and a fine up to $250,000.
– Wire fraud: A maximum penalty of 20 years in federal prison and a fine up to $250,000.
– Money laundering: A maximum penalty of 20 years and a fine up to $500,000.
The Lawrence Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation worked on the case. Assistant U.S. Attorney Marietta Parker is prosecuting.
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