Why would U.S. Attorney Marietta Parker file a motion in Federal Court going before a Federal Judge; filled with outright lies and fabricated evidence to have the defendants Guy and Carrie Neighbors Bond revoked?
In the motion to revoke the bond for both Defendants Guy and Carrie Neighbors U.S. Assistant Attorney Marietta Parker repeatedly makes a reference to Lawrence Kansas Police Detective Mike McAtee.
She repeatedly FALSLEY states that he is an officer involved in the Yellow House case. This is not true! Mike McAtee has nothing to do with the Yellow House case, has never met the defendants, is not named on a single document and has not in any way been involved in the nearly 3 year long investigation!
The defendants own a small business called The Yellow Housse, 1904 Massachusetts, in Lawrence Kansas. They have had numerous customers come in and talk about the gross misconduct of Detective Mike McAtee and about the corruption he is involved in. The Yellow House has a multitude of saved videos showing the allegations against Detective Mike McAtee by his victims or victims families. A small number of these video allegations and stories have been posted publicly on the Internet; with the victims permission, to enable these victims of corruption to have a voice.
In response to the defendants (Yellow House) Internet posts exposing corruption, it would appear that Lawrence Kansas Police Chief Ron Olin has conspired with AuSa prosecuting Attorney Marietta Parker, who then conspired with Attorney Kevin Regan. The conspiracy goes to great lengths to use the fact the defendants Guy & Carrie Neighbors are under a corrupt Federal indictment to repeatedly threaten and intimidate the defendants for posting the evidence of corruption involving this particular officer.
As a favor for Police Chief Ron Olin, to help him cover up for his dirty cops...
US Attorney Marietta Parker pulls a favor with a fellow Colleague of 20 years, Attorney Kevin E J Regan of the Regan Law firm LLC. In Kansas City Missouri.
She has him draft a threatening letter and send it to the defendants. In the letter the attorney states that he represents Detective McAtee, and the officer has an impeccable record, and threatens a slander lawsuit against Guy Neighbors on behalf of the detective (Mike McAtee). The letter also demands the defendant Guy Neighbors make a retraction of the statements and e-mails accusing Detective Mike McAtee of corrupt police behavior.
When the defendant Guy Neighbors stands by his allegations and refuses to issue a retraction letter, it appears that US Attorney Marietta Parker once again conspires with the attorney Kevin EJ Regan and has him draft the retraction letter himself and then emails it out. In the email the attorney Kevin Regan makes reference to the fact that he is a long time colleague of Marietta Parker for 20 years. He expresses his knowledge of the indictment, and he also slanders Mister Neighbors by accusing him of being a quote "wrong doer".
Why would this attorney in Kansas City Missouri representing a Lawrence Kansas Police Detective wanting to sue the Yellow House in Lawrence Kansas for making alleged slander allegations, make reference to his friendship with US Chief Assistant Federal Attorney Marietta Parker in his e-mail letter?
Why would the U.S. Prosecuting Attorney Marietta Parker have anything to do with his representation of a case between Lawrence Kansas Police Detective Mike McAtee and defendants Guy and Carrie Neighbors? When Mike McAtee was not involved in the Yellow House Federal case that involved the Federal (AUSA) Assistant Chief U.S. Attorney Marietta Parker.
Could it be instead of seeking Justice this is just one big department of corrupt conspirators seeking favors from long time colleagues to intimidate and cover-up?
For a close-up magnified view of the letters click on this link:
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