December 16, 2006
On Aug. 8th, 2006, Guy and Carrie Neighbors met with Federal Prosecutor U.S. Attorney Marietta Parker, Postal Inspector David Nitz, I.R.S. Agent Rob Jackson,Police officer Jay Bialek, Mickey Rantz, Also in attendance & Attorney’s Sarah Swain and Aaron Mckee. For a pre-indictment meeting.
At that time the officers presented false evidence. This includes but is not limited to an altered video which was filmed from two different angles, then presented as one film, in which parts of the conversation between Rantz and Carrie were edited; false accusation that we provided free cars and lists to crack heads; False allegations that people were allowing us to sell our items on their EBay sites and these individuals had told investigators they were fencing stolen goods for us.
Guy and Carrie Neighbors were asked to proffer with the investigators, which would be part of an agreement to bring the Guns and Drugs charges down to the state level. Carrie at the advice of her Attorney Aaron M. Agreed. Having no legal knowledge, it seemed like a good idea at the time, and a way to show good faith and cooperation in the investigation. Guy also agreed to proffer, in an effort to cooperate fully with the investigation.
The proffering session for Carrie began Aug. 24th, 2006, and lasted for three days.
After proffering for three days and fully cooperating with the investigation, the Government decided to screw the Neighbors and not reduce the charges to a State Level.
During a conversation with Attorney Aaron McKee, August 2006,
Carrie was concerned about the advice her attorney gave her. Aaron advised her to get a paypal account in someone else’s name in order to pay him his fees. Feeling uncomfortable with this, she declined and then Aug. 24th, 2006, gave him a $1,000.00 cash documented payment.
Then on Aug. 30th, 2006,
Guy concerned about the fact that Federal Agents had taken over the case, decided to replace Defense Attorney Sarah Swain with a federal attorney Jim George. Aaron initiated a telephone conference with IRS agent Rob Jackson regarding Guy's case, Aaron also made a derogatory phone call to Jim George, Guys new attorney and tried to convince him Guy would not be able to pay him.
Due to concerns that Aaron should not be discussing Guys case with investigators, since he was not representing him, he also had numerous other documented phone conversations with investigators.
On Sept. 5, 2006 Carrie became concerned that he was conspiring with the investigators to sabotage her defense. At that point decided to terminate the attorney client relationship. Later that evening fearing repercussions in the case, she agreed to allow him to continue to represent her.
On Oct. 19th between 3:30pm and 4:00pm, in violation of the Proffer agreement, two investigators, (Lawrence Police officer Bialek and Mickey Rantz) Came to the Yellow House to question Carrie in regards to the investigation with out her attorney Aaron M. present.
This incident added to several prior documented incidents, caused Carrie to become worried about a possible conspiracy between Aaron McKee and the Prosecutors.
On Oct 20th Guy called his attorney Jim George and informed him to notify the Government that from now on, if they had any further questions, they should direct them to him. At that point Jim George was told that the investigators were happy with the information gathered in the proffer, Jim told them if they needed any further assistance with the investigation from the Neighbors to let him know. (As Guy had instructed) At that point he was told they were done with Guy and Carrie and that the report would be turned into Marietta Parkers office around the 1st of December 2006.
November 15th, 2006, Aaron Mckee called the Yellow House to inform Carrie that the police wanted to schedule another proffer meeting. At this time Carrie felt uncomfortable with the advice and actions of her attorney, and was concerned about the actions of the Police officers involving a possible violation of her rights and safety. She informed Aaron that she was not comfortable scheduling another proffer session at this time, and concerned about the advice her attorney was giving her choose to terminate the attorney client relationship at that time.
On November 15th 2006, Attorney Aaron Mckee made a phone call to Marietta Parkers office (possibly further discussing the case) that lasted 0.8 hours. He also had a telephone conference with IRS Rob Jackson regarding his termination of services.
In light of the situation, phone conferences with the prosecution were unnecessary, and left the defense with an undocumented exchange of information. A simple fax explaining the termination would have been more professional, and documented.
Guys attorney Jim George has never been contacted by investigators, in regards to further needed proffers.
On November 16th, 2006, Aaron notified us in writing that he was informed that in retaliation for Carries actions, (Violation of proffer agreement); Guy and Carrie BOTH would be charged in federal court immediately based on our possession of guns and drugs. Charges that according to the proffer agreement were already moved down to State court level.
On December 12th, 2006 at 8 AM. Federal agents arrested both Guy and Carrie Neighbors, for Carries alleged proffer violation. Even though Guy Neighbors had fully cooperated with the investigation, and his attorney Jim George was never notified about a need for him to have further meetings with the prosecution.
Guy and Carrie were handcuffed and taken into custody at 8am. They were taken to the Federal Building in Kansas City, Shackled and placed in a holding cell until 4pm.
They were not given time to eat breakfast, they were held in a cell and were not provided with any food until 3:30 that afternoon. Other prisoners were fed at 11:10 am and again at 2:30 pm.
The Government contends this is how all people arrested by the Justice Dept. in Kansas City are treated.
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