Tuesday, December 25, 2007


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We were notified by our attorney, that Judge Lungstrum was not happy to find out during the evidence hearing this was a refilled case. He has excused himself from the case.

Here is what happened:

It was revealed during the evidence hearing to Judge Lungstrum that this case had already been in court and sceduled to go to trial with Judge Marguia, before the prosecutor the Government dismissed the charges.

The U.S. assistant Federal prosecutor Terra Morehead for the Kansas department of Justice, then refilled the case had the Neighbors rearrested and made it look like a brand new case, in order to trick the courts into thinking it was a case absent of the speedy trial issues.

By doing this the prosecutor was able to get the case out of Judge Margia's court and into Judge Lungstrum's court. Kinda Naughty heh?

This ploy also allowed the prosecution to execute an unwarranted search of the defendants resident, and the defendants attorneys both were able to step down from the case and refuse to be reasigned to the case when it was refiled.

So Judge Lungstrum has gotten this garbage out of his courtroom, excused himself from the case, and sent it over to Judge Margia for the remaining counts.

8 attorneys and 5 Judges later........ Nobody wants us! Kinda makes one feel like little smarty... Had a party, but no one came but the other smarty!

I wonder since Judge Margia got rid of us, and was able to get us pawned over to Judge Lungstrum, and now Judge Lungstrum got rid of us and pawned us back over to Judge Margia, does that make Judge margia our 6th judge or is he still our 4th Judge once over?? Our attorney says just two more judges and we will have been in every Judges courtroom in the Federal building!

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