I think we need to file a motion for obstruction of justice, and bribery of a witness against Parker, if she allows Stacy to have one day off her sentence for this ridiculous testimony.
Yes Stacy sold me some instruments. Some of them were used. I had no idea that they were stolen at the time I bought them.
After she sold me a few instruments I got suspicious. When she tried to sell an expensive violin that still had Keller Strings tag on it and Price tag of about $1500. I told her no way. She then showed me a reciept and said it wasn't stolen, it had been paid for.
I refused to purchase it and she left. I then got on the phone and called the owner of Keller Strings.
I warned her that I thought her business might be getting scammed in some kind of way. She got very upset and by her voice I would say she was nearly in tears.
Does that sound like a call a co-conspirator would have made?
If I was doing what they say I could have easily purchased the violin and sold it on ebay or amazon or Craigs list without a hitch! I am sure that the owner of Keller Strings remembers my call to her, and we could subpoena her if needed.
I talked to Stacy's ex-husband Scott Catlett when he came in to the store with their daughter Amber about what had happened. He told me he was so disgusted with what Stacy had been doing. He said Stacy was working at a hotel at the time, and somehow getting a hold of customers credit card numbers. She was using the numbers to buy meat, gas cards, phone cards and whatever and selling to people all over the place.
(I know he would also be willing to testify that I was not involved or conspiring with Stacy.)
Parker has been around enough to know and see by the context of Stacy's crime that I was not a conspirator of Stacy. If she is willing to make a deal with this little slime bag, then she is no better than Stacy in my book.
Parker is a mentally disturbed coward and needs a mental evaluation if she is truly allowing these lowlife felons to make deals that would lesson their time just to have a shot at me and Guy.
new road sign for the corrupt prosecutor:
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