According to the analytics that are connected to this blog there are some very important people, and agencies interested in following the information shared in this site, and possibly looking into the obstruction of justice, corruption and conspiracy of the Lawrence Kansas Police Department and the Kansas Department of Justice, in connection with the Yellow House case.
Here is a list of some of the visitors that have visited this blog.
Various law firms
The Pentagon
U.S. Department of Justice in 4 States including Washington D.C.
U.S. Marshalls service Dept. Of Justice division of Investigations in Arlington VA.
Police Departments all accross the U.S., including Spokane Washington, New Mexico, California, TX.
Department of the Administration of U.S. Courts in Several States
Prosecutors offices from 4 different States
Various News agencies, and TV producers such as TimeWarner, WebTv,
Bureau of Indian Affairs
U.S. Postal Service Investigations in several states
I.R.S. division of Investigations in several different states
Senators, House of Representatives
and thousands of un-traceable or hidden I.P. Addresses from all accross the United States and even other Countries.
Nobody in their right mind would be posting untrue information, having the knowledge that all these agencies are reading and investigating the allegations.
Our life is an open book, we have had every aspect of our finances and business practices investigated and examined and scrutinized through the various agencies the Police Dept. called in to help, and in the press!
We have been tested over and over, by snitches and law enforcement stings attempting to trip us up, or get us to do or say something on a wire or video they can use against us later. We even have had people bribed with favors to lie against us in court before a Grand Jury or through plea bargains.
Through it all we have maintained "WE HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE!"
We have met with several FBI Special Agents from Topeka and given them copies of our files, all our financial transactions have been audited 5 years back by the IRS, and at one point we even gave the Prosecutor permission to bug our phones!
We have offered over and over to cooperate fully with the investigation, even going as far as entering into a contract with the Government for week long Proffering session. That resulted in nothing except more of our civil rights being violated.
All we ever ask through this entire ordeal is that we are treated fairly, without discrimination because of our race or social status and that our Constitutional rights were protected....Aparently in Lawrence Kansas if you are the Yellow House owners that is asking too much!
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