Prosecutor Marietta Parker uses password obtained through warrant to edit and delete posts from defendant Guy Neighbors blog site!
To understand why and what has happened here in the present we must first go back to the past.
During an evidence hearing November 5, 2007 before the Honorable Judge Lungstrum; U.S. Attorney Terra Morehead explains to the Judge that the reason the defendants Guy and Carrie Neighbors were denied their legal right to a speedy trial was because there was a tornado in Greensburg Kansas.....
Later while talking to some long time friends the Neighbors mentioned they did not understand why the tornado in Greensburg Kansas would be the reason the Prosecutor told the Judge they were denied the speedy trial.
The Neighbors were informed by this friend that Terra was from Greensburg and that they had gone to school with Terra Morehead. They also knew Terra's family and informed the Neighbors that they believed Terra and her brother had a history of drug abuse and that from what they knew the family had been torn apart by drugs. They questioned how someone with a drug history had become a Federal Prosecutor.
Mr. Neighbors then posted a story with this acquired information on his blog site. He felt the information could be connected to the discriminatory abusive treatment he and his wife had received, while being prosecuted in Federal court by Terra Morehead. He also believed this history of drug abuse in Ms. Moreheads family combined by her hatred towards people of color, could be what is driving the prosecutor to abuse his civil rights and show obvious signs that she and her partner US Assistant Attorney Marietta Parker are taking the case personal.
This posting greatly upset the Prosecutors.
In response to the posting, Prosecuting Attorney Terra Morehead immediately motioned to have the defendants Gagged. During the hearing the Prosecutor Terra Morehead had an emotional breakdown, she cried and pleaded with Judge to gag the defendants, and make them stop blogging. She stated that a photo taken from the “Scruffy the dog case internet story” had been placed on the defendants blog site, and that she had received threats because this photo which was already publicly displayed on the internet had been posted on the blog site. She told the Judge that because of the blogs her cases were being investigated 5 years back by an outside agency!
The day of the hearing for the gag order, Mr. Neighbors is informed through an anonomous email through the blog account, that a co-worker of Marietta Parker overheard her in her office preparing for the hearing; slamming things and yelling the "N" word! Mr. Neighbors again angered the prosecutor by posting this aquired information on his blog site.
Sometime around May 2008 Prosecuting US Federal Attorney Marietta Parker serves a warrant on Sunflower cable to obtain the password information connected to the defendants Internet activities. She then logs into the defendants blog account and proceeds to go to the edit tools and deletes the story Mr. Neighbors had written about Terra Moreheads past drug history. There is also evidence through her actions that she was also logging into the email accounts and possibly reading attorney client correspondence emails.
To cover up for the fact she has illegally edited Mr. Neighbors blog account, Federal Prosecutor Marietta Parker then files a motion to revoke the bonds of the defendants Mr. Neighbors and his wife based on the blogs.
To support her motion to revoke the bond she uses pages from the blogs as exhibits. These exhibits clearly show when she copied and printed them off, she was not only logged into Mr. Neighbors blog account, she had also used the editing tools before printing off the pages. (The editing tools can still be seen in the exhibits. See photo at top of page)
What possible probable cause would give a Federal Prosecuting attorney the right to serve a search warrant on a defendants Internet provider in order to obtain passwords to everything in relation to that defendants Internet IP address?
Thus allowing this prosecutor to tamper with "the evidence" which is in this case constitutionally protected freedom of speech postings on a private blog site and view private emails that contain attorney client correspondence? How many constitutionally protected rights can a defendant have violated while being corruptly prosecuted?
What justifiable legal basis or probable cause reason could a prosecutor possibly have; to get a warrant for passwords that enables her to be editing and eavesdropping on a defendants emails and blogging pages in relation to trumped up Federal charges based the execution of an illegal warrantless search of the defendants home and a bogus stolen property, money laundering case that hinges on the perjured testimony of convicted felons?
The actions of these prosecutors clearly show cover-up, conspiracy, tampering with the evidence, obstruction of justice, misuse of private information obtained through a search warrant, violation of privacy and a violation of Attorney rules of ethics.