Double standard funny how it goes, federal prosecutor Marietta Parker filed a motion to have my bond revoked because I made a phone call to Lawrence police officer Mike McAtee to ask him "how many drug test he had failed?" ( I had heard he has failed quite a few).
Marietta Parker told the judge that I had contact with a government witness because of the phone call when officer McAtee is not even on the yellow house case, and his name is not on any of my paper work relating to the case.
The government’s star witness Patrick Nieder (a convicted felon & prisoner at Winfield Correctional facility) that lied before the grand jury ( to help Parker get the 2nd indictment against me, in exchange for being released from prison 8 years early) has sent his girl friend into our business to sell us items because they are in need of money! Her name is Terri Mcdowell.
Terri sold me a refrigerator and I went to their house to pick up the refrigerator on Fri. June 20th and Patrick Nieder was hiding out inside the house. After loading up the refrigerator Terri told me she had other stuff in her garage she was looking to sell, one of the items was a real nice John Deere lawn tractor-mower.
Terri told me that her honey got the mower for her and she was not sure where it came from... so I told her that I would need to think about it (not knowing that Nieder was hiding out in this house at 2802 belle haven Dr. Lawrence)
I thought it was kind of weird that she would not know where the real nice John Deere riding mower came from.......
The next day one of my friends came into my business to tell me that he had seen me at Patrick Nieder’s house loading up a refrigerator, and of course I replied “what the hell are you talking about?” my friend explained to me that Terri was in fact dating Patrick and my friend knew that Nieder had lied to the grand jury to help the federal prosecutor get an indictment against my wife and myself with lies.
The following Monday I received 2 phone calls from 1-785-424-3004 so I returned one of the calls and got Mr. Nieders voice mail.
Later that day Mr. Nieder had his girl friend call me about purchasing the stolen John Deere lawn tractor for $700. Could this contact violate the court order of not having contact with a witness in a federal case?
The prosecutor is trying to have me locked up for having contact with a police officer not involved in the case, but this guy is free to do what he wants!
Maybe the federal prosecutor Marietta Parker is paying mr. Nieder to get and get him to sell the yellow house stolen property so she can send the Lawrence police back to our business and home to make another arrest and illegally search our home again?
It had been about a year now and in order for the prosecutor to keep this thing going without the evidence needed to get a conviction she needs to have us arrested about every 9-12 months and come up with more ridiculous charges.
My people told me the Lawrence police was at 2802 bellehaven on Thur. of that week searching for a meth lab 10 police cars and the meth lab van, and not one cop ran a check on the stolen John Deere riding mower in the garage? Nor did they confiscate it...
Interesting double standard between how the white guy and the black guy are treated!
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