Friday, April 18, 2008


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In the matter of Federal criminal cases in the Kansas Department of Justice we have uncovered that the entire process is fixed when it comes to poor and average people and small business.

Public Defender Lawyers hired by the court to defend clients are often paid HUGE amounts of money, not to defend or investigate, but instead to stall, mislead, then force the client into a plea agreement or ridiculous proffer, or become nothing more than informants for the prosecutor.

It is true if you have millions of dollars to hire well connected and skilled attorneys, you can get away with murder.

If you do not then your lawyers in most cases, will force you to plead guilty to a crime you did not commit, cancel and stall on court dates, file motions that are obviously suited to the prosecutors needs, lie to the defendants, make promises for investigative services but never follow through, even though the courts allocated thousands of dollars for the service, refuse to look into the constitutional violations that the Government committed in the case, or allow the defendant to be railroaded through the system, framed by a vindictive prosecutor then possibly even convicted in a fixed trial by prosecutors who will do any thing including breaking the laws and obstructing justice, staging A fake FBI investigation, bribing and threatening witnesses in order to obtain that conviction and get the defendants valuable seized property and forfeitures.

As your attorney is a little more than a warm body pretending to be your defense attorney. Refusing to file your requested motions in a timely manner, brushing off obvious constitutional violations that could get the case dismissed!
missing evidence,
planted evidence,
breach of contracts,
vindictive prosecution,
false arrest

Even corrupt FEDERAL prosecutors in the Kansas Department of Justice will continue to prosecute a Federal case with the knowledge that there are Lawrence Kansas Police officers in the case on admisitrative leave, that have planted evidence, violated evidence rule law, and framed the defendants using falsified reports and convicted felons as witnesses, impersonated FBI agents and even stolen defendants guns and evidence and then fenced it to the local Pawn shops. Even going as far as violating the attorney client privaledge ethics rule by offering favors and conspiring with the defendants attorneys to undermine every motion and move by the defendants!!!!

Defense Lawyers, public and private, in most cases are only straw men for the prosecution, providing no protection or only sham defenses.

The prosecution commits, and suborns perjury from witneses and law enforcement, judges often fail to check this evil, administer the correct rectification when it becomes evident, or in some cases may willfully aid in the fixing of these cases!Back Stabber

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