In retaliation for the complaint the Prosecutor filed the 19 count Federal Indictment against the defendants.
Prior to filing the complaints the defendants had met with both of the regions FBI agencies.
The FBI agency in Kansas City was very uncooperative. They kept telling the defendants to call back every 15-30 minutes "because the person who runs the records was busy, on a phone conference, out to lunch, etc. (And that persons name along with the person answering the phone was a secret) They claimed to have never investigated the Yellow House complaints, they claimed that there was no Special Agent Bob Shaefer, they would not tell the defendants who the person in charge was, they claimed that Lawrence Kansas was out of their Jurisdiction and they would not.. nor ever have investigated anything in Lawrence. The Kansas City FBI agency referred the defendants to the Topeka FBI agency, telling them that was the only FBI agency that had Jurisdiction over Lawrence.
The defendants then contacted the FBI in Topeka. They talked to Special Agent Scott Gentine. He was very professional open and seemed straight up and honest. He was willing to discuss the concerns of the defendants and had no problem showing the defendants his Identification card (so they could be sure he was a real FBI!).
The Agent confirmed there had never been an investigation by the Topeka FBI into the formal complaints turned in by the defendants! The defendants asked him if he would be willing to meet with them and review the complaints and documents, and also look into the fact evidence in the case was missing from the LKPD evidence room in connection with the case, and also investigate the fact an aquaintance's gun that was missing from the evidence room was for sale at the 23rd Street Pawn Shop. He agreed.
So you see after meeting with both FBI agencies the defendants filed their Formal complaint....
What happens next... is several days later the defendants are contacted by the media asking for a statement on the latest indictment. "What indictment?" ...That night on the 6pm news the 19 count indictment was announced again.."What indictment?" Even the defendants attorney's knew nothing of the Indictment!
So the next day the defendants contacted a member from the media and asked if they had a copy of the indictment. They said they did and they would give the defendants a copy if they would agree to give a statement and interview for the radio KLWN talk show. The defendants agreed.
Here is a copy of the Indictment that the media provided to the defendants. This was released prior to the defendants even being notified of the Indictment.
This original release states that the Postal Service, IRS, and LKPD investigated and Marietta Parker is prosecuting.
The next day at 4pm the Defendants were served by IRS Agent Rob Jackson and Postal Inspector David Nitz. The Press release that then appeared on the Kansas U.S. Department of Justice was changed!
Now it makes the FALSE statement that the FBI investigated! Would this be called an investigation switch-a-roo? Is this Justice Department so corrupt they don't even know who investigated their own cases?
But gets better....Upon showing up at the Kansas City Department of Justice for arrainment, the Defendants were sitting in the cafeteria when they are approached by a U.S. Marshall. The Marshall explains that he had some papers for the defendants to sign. "SAY WHAT???" ...He stated that the first indictment serving was not official..."WHAT??"..."mmmm one might even wonder which time!"
He then handed the defendants another copy of the Indictment and stated "he was not really sure what was going on either!" "But NOW its official!"...The only comment the dumbfounded defendants could make is "You guys sure waist a lot of paper!" The Marshall agreed.
see link:
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