Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I called and made an appointment to get a consultation from your friend. I will see him at 4:30 on Tues the 16Th. I wanted to thank you for meeting with me today, I am excited to have you on my team. Your analytic skills will be a tremendous asset for me as an expert witness at trial! Your expertise to oversee the dynamics of the case, and give your impartial, educated expert overview and opinion will be priceless and very impressive to the Jury.

I wanted to tell you a little about one aspect of the case.

Back in 2006 a friend of mine, Annette Miller, was harassed by the officer in charge of our case Jay Bialek. He went to her work and demanded to search her car, because he discovered documents during the search of my store that showed I had given Annette the car 6 months earlier.(I had her daughter in foster care and when she got the kid back she didnt have a car)
I told her what the cop did was wrong and encouraged her to file a complaint against him. She filed the complaint, and this is where things get weird.

I wanted to help her find an attorney, but before I could get her an attorney one came into her work (KWIK shop) and offered to represent her.
He then told her that in order to proceed with her lawsuit she would need to get out of Lawrence, and move to Colorado. There she was introduced to another attorney that would be handling the case in Colorado.
This is where I become speculative, because she has never been straight up with me about the true identity of the people she was getting her information from, or how much she was actively involved in the conspiracy against me. She has indicated to me that she had to cooperate because they were threatening to deport her Mexican boyfriend if she didn't.

For the next two years, she called me and Guy daily with updates, telling us her attorney Mike Sawaya had hired a private investigator that was going to come to Lawrence and expose the corruption in the Lawrence Police dept. and US Attorney's office that was driving the Yellow House case. She said that because she hadn't actually won the lawsuit yet, her attorney was expecting her to pay the expenses of the investigator (who originally was going to be in Lawrence for one week.) Annette asked if me and Guy would help her. We agreed.

I don't know for sure who this person posing as her attorney was. I have suspected it was an agent for the IRS, hired by the US Attorney to try and build a case against me for income tax evasion by getting me to send Annette enough money, as a back up indictment.

For two years she called us everyday to give us the updates on the reports about what the investigator had found out. These updates came to her through her attorney.

A lot of the information that Annette was giving us was backed up by information I was getting from other sources. Like; Annette said the FBI & IRS was investigating the Police dept. was backed up by at least three people I knew. My friend Jennier who claimed that cops coming in her store had told her the police Dept was under investigation, and every officer was being questioned by the FBI. ETC...

One day I called Annettes attorneys office, they denied she was a client. I called her and demanded some answers. A few days of going back and forth and some angry words, and Annette disappeared. My private investigator found her through phone records 2 months later hiding out in Mexico.

I told my Investigator Dan and my Attorney about Annettes Investigator that was investigating the police dept. I told them I had been sending money to Annette through Western Union to help her pay the Investigator.

They went to court and presented to Judge Murguia what had been going on with Annette. The Prosecutor claimed I had been laundering money to Annette and that they were going to Subpoena Western Union, because they were sure the amount I was claiming to have sent her was less than what had actually been sent, and that they were going to indict me for Income Tax evasion.

That was an indication to me that the Prosecutor must have been involved. how would she know there should have been more money? Especially because she was right, in a way.
You see back in Aug. 2008 I had refused to send Annette anymore money. But Annette did not tell her attorney. Instead she began to embezzle money from the Apartment complex she worked at, and continued to give her attorney the money to pay the investigator, leaving them to believe the money was still coming from me. (Kinda like she played the players! LOL)
My attorney told me the amount I sent to Annette over the two year period did not meet the $100,000. threshold needed for the Prosecutor to indict me on a Federal level for Income Tax evasion.

Here is the time line of events I documented each day when Annette would call me with the Investigators updates:

Sun, 16 Sep 2007
My friend Annette hired a private investigator that has flown down here from(Colorado) and is digging into the corruption that is fueling our case.

Tue 9/18/07
Annettes attorney Mike sent down an investigator, he was only supposed to be down here for a week, but there is so much stuff to look into he has been staying on to get to the bottom of things.

Tue, 18 Sep 2007
It rained really hard today.
Annettes private detective noticed he was being followed in the pouring rain, so he decided to drive around the block a few times.
Then he pulled up to the light, as it turned yellow he quickly made a turn...The person following him attmepted to quickly turn too....and hit another car...He will need to get a different rental car tomorrow.

Wed, 19 Sep 2007
The FBI from Topeka; Agent’s Scott Gentine and Denton Murray has recovered 2 guns in the pawn shop on 23rd street missing from the LKPD evidence room. (The guns were owned by David Bryant) Dave came in the store really upset because his guns that the police have not been able to find in the evidence locker was in the Pawn shop for sale. So I called Agent Gentine, he and FBI Agent Murray went to the Pawn shop and got the gun.
FBI agent BOB Schaefer called Annette's Investigator Today and has agreed to meet with him tomorrow.
The investigator had to get another rental car because he has been made in the one he is using...(he says he's been getting followed, so he needs a different one now) and Annette said if I send a little extra money he will be able to get a motel for the weekend.
Annette said the investigator is low on money and has been living out of the back of his car.

Thu 9/20/07
Annettes investigator went to Topeka today to talk to the FBI agent Scott Gentine and Denton Murray again.
They told him they have launched an investigation to try and determine why items from the evidence room have surfaced in both pawn shops!
The investigator asked them why they did not investigate this sooner, since this has been going on for a while. Agent Gentine told the investigator that this was the first time anyone has complained! The investigator says he is not sure that the Topeka FBI is on the level, he said he may need to contact the FBI in Washington to look into this further.
The Investigator also went to see FBI Agent BOB Shaefer in K.C. he was supposed to be investigating our complaints aganst the Lawrence Police Dept...but BOB was out sick today.
Bob couldn't meet the investigator but he did call me back today! left a message on the phone, while we were in court. I told the Topeka FBI that I believed that Agent Bob Shaefer had faked the investigation into our complaints. Agent Gentine told me that the Prosecutor Marietta Parker was the one that had sent Agent Shaefer to Lawrence.
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007
Guy went to Topeka and talked to the FBI yesterday (Agent Gentine and Murray) about our complaints and they are going to investigate the fact that our last complaint was investigated by a fake FBI agent. They had the Human Rights agency call us and make a meeting for Friday. Guy showed them some of our documents and complaints. He gave them copies to keep.
In the mean time Annettes investigator took a plane to Washington today to meet with the FBI Headquarters down there in the morning and show them the videos and recordings he has, and see if they will come down for a real investigation.

Date: Wed, 26th, Sep 2007
The investigator is in Washington D.C. today. He has been treated like royalty down there and everything is going well.
He met with the Justice Depts. Prosecuting District attorney, 4 Special Prosecutors that will be handling the case against any officials, and the Director of the FBI also attended the meeting.
The meeting started at 8 am and they finally finished up about 3pm. It was a long day; they are not quite half way through the information.
The investigator and his partner have about 8 hours of surveillance video plus all of the voice recordings and tons of notes. They mostly went through the information about the police dept. today.
The FBI guys found the video of Officer Bialek meeting the girl at the motel while on duty particularly interesting.
The FBI director told the investigator he is very thorough. Tomorrow the investigator is going to meet with them again.
Another interesting tid-bit...One of the investigators still here in town (just for fun,) called the Prosecutor Marietta Parkers office today and told her she wanted to talk to her about Bob Shaefer.
Marietta Parker told the investigator she doesn’t know anybody named Bob Shaefer!
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007
Well, Annette has not gotten her money from the lawsuit yet. The city is stalling, Annette says its because they think if they get me taken down they will get out of paying her. But her attorney says the amount goes up (a penalty thing) every week the money is late. so its up to $750,000 now.

The FBI from Washington called the investigator back this week, and asked him to come back to Washington a second time to go over some more things. Then they even bought him a 1st class plane ticket!

Oct 3, 2007
The Investigator flew back to Washington yesterday and met with the FBI all day today. He says they met in a big room around a big table. He says there was a whole room full of FBI agents looking at our case, he says the head of the FBI in Washington was in the meeting, and 4 Special prosecutors were also in the meeting, and he was told by the Director of the FBI that a Supreme court Judge will be monitoring our case and overseeing the color of law prosecutions of the Public corruption that is uncovered during the investigation!

Oct. 7, 2007
4 agents in suits showed up at LKPD carrying brief cases today from the FBI. They had some kind of meeting in the main Police dept building.
Officer Bialek pulled up about 30 minutes after they arrived in his personal vehicle in regular clothes.
Two Agents in Suits met Bialek out in the parking lot. They walked up to him, handed him some kind of paperwork, shook his hand and escorted him into the Police Dept. building.
Bialek spent about 2 hours with them inside the building. He was then escorted from the building by the same agents in suits.
According to the investigator, who stayed outside... Bialek looked like he was upset!
According to a police officer that a friend of mine knows, the FBI has interviewed every officer on the force 3 times. first in small groups, and also individually. They are asking officers questions about the Yellow House investigation and they are also being questioned about our missing evidence.

Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007
The FBI sent down an agent from Washington today. The agent is going to meet with Annettes investigator and he is going to look into the Lawrence Police dept.

Thurs. 10/11/07
The FBI is still here investigating!!! More Agents flew in from Washington!
Today they are going to be auditing the evidence room. They are also bringing in some IRS Agents to help with the Investigation.
The Investigator has met a Paralegal student that agreed to be his informant and he is getting the Investigator some inside information about things going on in the Dept of Justice!
According to the investigator Agents have spent the last 3 days searching and investigating the prosecutors office.

Fri 11/02/07
Annettes investigator said,
A group of guys in suits went to the Kansas City Justice dept today and were questioning people in the prosecutors office one at a time.

He was told they were investigators from the Kansas Bar Association. And they are investigating Parkers office.

We go back to court on monday at 4:30 to get Judge Lungstrums ruling on our motion to dismiss our case.

Tue 11/06/07
Annettes investigator is investigating the Pawn Shops. He has found a connection that they are not only tied into the police, they are also tied into some kind of money laundering and drug dealing schemes with the strip club calle the Flamingo in North Lawrence.
The Pawn shop on 23rd had 3 big Pensky moving trucks parked out back. It appeared the FBI has been loading them with merchandise from the Pawn Shop. There have been Police Crown Vic's parked outside the Pawn Shop all day.
This Pawn shop had the guns from he Evidence room up in there for sale.

Annettes Investigator hooked up with one of the Dancers from the Flamingo in North Lawrence. she is giving him inside info. she says that the owner is tied into the Pawn shop. That he uses the girls to do money drops, because they run the money from the dance club through the pawn shops to "clean it up."
There is a lot of drug dealing going on inside the Bird. Mostly cocaine. It is the drug of choice for the dancers and the patrons. They are tied into the police and dont have to worry about being harassed.
The owner of the strip club, also owns some limo's.
He is tied in with the corrupt city officials, and offers business men rides in the limo's with the girls. The investigator hired a young guy that works for an investigator in KC. He has him pretending to be the boyfriend of the dancer. He wants to provide her with the protection while she is providing information. He said that after just a couple of days they were already referring to him as family and offering him drugs inside the club.
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007
Due to the fact that Guns from the evidence room were found in the Pawn shop on 23rd street, Both the Pawn Shops are under investigation by the FBI now! Both Pawn shops are not buying right now.

They can't buy anything until the investigation is wrapped up!

We sent a person over offering to sell an expensive gold necklace to test them! They are telling customers they won't be able to buy for about 2 weeks!

Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007
.The Federal Unlawful User with Firearm Indictment against us were officially dropped on friday. We will have an evidentiary hearing to determine if it's "with Prejudice" or "without Prejudice" next month.
My attorney Phil Gibson said he was worried about what the results of the hearing would be, he said he worried; as a result of his motion, that our old attorneys could be in trouble for not properly preparing for trial the first time.

Annette says the investigator says the Washington FBI called a hearing before a Judge last Friday.
The FBI wants the Judge to go over the information and evidence they gathered during the investigation. They have a list of Government Officials names they will be presenting to the Judge for possible Indictments.
The Investigator has been working closly with one of the FBI Agents from Washington.

The Investigator said some of the people the FBI were seeking Indictments on; were Morehead, Bialek, Chief Olin, Rantz, McAtee, and some names I didn't know.
The Investigator said the FBI agent he has befriended came into our store today undercover. I told her we saw him, he was driving a fancy rental car from Missouri and dressed way too fancy to be one of our customers, so I saved the surveillance video of him walking through the store.¤t=DSCN7925.flv

The FBI had a judge come down from Manhattan Kansas to oversee the hearing. They had the Judge from Manhattan come down because they wanted to be sure that the Judge overseeing the hearing was impartial.

There were 15 names on a list the fbi agents want the Judge to consider indictments for. They are the officials that have been prosecuting us and are involved in the corruption going on at the Police Dept.

The city appealed Annettes lawsuit. No big money yet...Her attorney said they can appeal up to three times. Her atttorney says she could have a settlement in 2 months, or it could drag on for at least six more months.

Sun 2/03/08 .
Annette is going back to court in two weeks. Her attorney thinks the City of Lawrence might be ready to settle with her.

Mr Antenelli from Police Abuse org. contacted us today. They agreed to investigate our case for us.
He said they have been trying to get our files from Lkpd. He said the police have not been cooperating with them.
He says that typically a police dpt. will be very cooperative or not cooperative at all. And Lawrence is not at all, and that tells them the dept is dirty.

Feb. 10,2010
Annette has been told by her informants, that the FBI are trying to get her picked up for questioning on my behalf. So she shut down her facebook and is no longer communicating with me.

I will stop here.
Of course this is all confidential until my case is closed. After that I have lots more that you will be able to incorporate into one heck of a book!

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