We convinced Annette Miller to talk to Dan about the harassment she received
from the LPD, The only reason Annette agreed to talk to Dan was because Dan
worked for you and for some reason they trust you and not so much Cheryl.
During the conversation she had with Dan Dan suggested that Annette have her
attorney contact Cheryl. Annette was freaked out because she knew Dan worked
for you and she could not understand why Dan would ask her to have her
people contact Cheryl. Now as you can see from Annette's email she sent to
me she is having seconds thoughts about talking to Dan again.
We thought it would be great to have a statement from Annette about what the
cops have done to her.
Annette's said her case was sealed because the police had been harassing her
and after she moved to Colorado, they slashed her tires, they called DPS
twice a month to tell them that she was abusing her kids, that she was doing
drugs, buying crack, has unsafe enviorment for her kids,ect...
Anette filed a formal complaint with the LPD and that should be some proof
of the beginning of her journey.
Annette talked to Dan on Fri. night and it was late so they chatted for a
little while and Dan was going to return a call to her on sat. but did not.
Annette called me to tell me she was freaked out that Dan wanted her to call
Cheryl and not you so I sent Dan a email informing him that Annette did not
trust Cheryl and I do not trust her much either (because of certain things
not important for this letter). I wanted Dan to know how Annette felt so he
would not chase her off.
Annette sent me a email stating she will not speak to anyone now until we
figure out why Dan would want her to have her people call Cheryl instead of
I also wanted dan to be aware Annette Can NOT discuss her civil case.
Below is the email Annette sent me about the conversation she had with Dan,
and below that is the email I sent to Dan after Dan and Annette had there
Also in my email is some information about events going on in CCA, just
wanted you to be aware
Hope your having a good day
Guy. is annette's email address
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: annette basurto
Date: Mar 21, 2009 5:08pm
Subject: Re: Talking to Annette & informtion about whats going on in CCA
To: Guy Neighbors
> I talked to dan and he asked me about the police harrassing me about the
car. he also asked me for names of the officers that came into the kwik
shop when i worked there. then he told me it would be a good idea if i
would have my attorney contact cheryl. this bothered me being i was under
the impression that he worked for jon and not cheryl. i would appreciate if
you would find out for me what is going on before i talk to anyone again
about anything thanks
> --- On Sat, 3/21/09, Guy Neighbors> wrote:
> From: Guy Neighbors>
> Subject: Talking to Annette & informtion about whats going on in CCA
> To:,
> Date: Saturday, March 21, 2009, 2:35 AM
> Hi, Dan
> Hey Annette said she called you and chatted for a little while.
> I was puzzled that you suggested she have her attorney talk with Cheryl
when your the investigator for John.
> I'm just going to let you know how we feel and we just do not trust Cheryl
much at this point, the only reason Annette agreed to talk with you was
because you work for John Duma.
> Annette had been through the ringer with this shit she's been through and
you would not believe the crap that has happened in the government effort to
discredit her and to jam up her attorneys so the city will not have to pay
her. I know Cheryl told you guys that Annette's crazy just like the
government was saying about me. We do not want to take any chances on having
Annette's attorney getting in any kind of trouble, the judge has gaged them
anyway from discussing the case. All we need from Annette is to discuss the
harassment she received from the LPD, you know Annette filed a formal
complaint with the police dept. and that should show a starting point for
her journey. Annette is NOT willing to discuss her civil action only what
the police done to her, she will not talk to Cheryl only you because they
like John and we trust you, if you pressure her to talk to Cheryl she will
not feel safe talking to you.
> I don't think talking to her i should be such a big deal because i know
you have chatted with a bunch of people who said the police are full of
shit, I would be willing to bet that you have not found one single person
who had anything bad to say about the yellow house.
> Hey and a different note I was contacted today by a guy who said he was
waiting for something to arrive in the mail from a guy in CCA, he said that
his friend told him to get it to me and he said something about
Moorehead made this guy lie in court for her and then she screw him and
refused to follow up on her part of the deal she made with him. I do not
know what it is coming but I cant wait to get it. The word is there are 3
black guy's in CCA the guards have been fucking with that know me and now
the guards have been leaving them alone " I think they are talking about the
Williams brothers and McIntyre" anyway the word is there sentencing hearing
got postponed and the inmates think that my blog site may have had something
to do with there case getting put on ice, can you imagine that? The word is
also Moorehead had been running around trying to cover her ass and trying to
clean up her dirty tracks she has left
> behind. I told him to tell his friend we have real investigator looking at
our case and other dirty shit going on and they would love to talk to
people at CCA that have been case jumping for Moorehead, I told this guy
that all I need is a name and a prison ID number and my people would love to
talk to them about Mooreheads crap.
> Also someone has been spreading the word in CCA that I'm mentally ill,
how funny s that.
> No one understands what I have been doing, everybody keeps telling me I do
not have a chance of fighting the federal government because they got too
much money and they play dirty and to those people I just say my goal is not
to win but to make them submit, yep give up toss in the towel and that's why
I have been such a pain in the ass. The only problem is I may need to be
placed in the witness protection program when the case is done because of
all of the people who will be looking at issues for screwing up up, lol
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