Wednesday, September 24, 2008

MichaelJ (Anonymous) says…

I'm glad I'm retiring from KU soon. I'm embarassed to say that I work there. $3000 per year for the whistle? gimme a frigging break. They pay much more than that in b.s. frivolous crap. They can afford to keep this! It's just someone's attempt to say "we're doing something to cut costs!"
Give me a break Steeples! You apparently don't know as much as you think you do about KU
MichaelJ (Anonymous) says…

Whast shall we talk about tonight? All the dirty cops in Lawrence? The fact that Olin isn't a Police Officer? A new topic?
MichaelJ (Anonymous) says…

You see Olin's name on your list? Oh yeah, he got arrested by the FBI didn't he......well, that's what you or your family were alleging on Larryville.
MichaelJ (Anonymous) says…

Well all the obama_sucks, evolve, smitty, YH and whoever else this applies to......all the HONEST cops that I know, and that is the vast majority of them, agree that cops who ARE corrupt, and dishonest shouldn't be cops. They SHOULD be fired. HOWEVER, every swingin' dick who got busted or caught and doesn't have the stones to admit it, whines and complains how (all) the cops are dirty and dishonest. yet they offer no proof. just their whiny complaints in a forum where they don't have to "put up or shut up".

Anyone who really believes that the 1) damn near entire LPD, 2) FBI (the "real ones" and the "fake ones" 3) most Judges 4) numerous Lawyers and 5) anyone else they can bring into this, is out to conspire against Yellow House...and anyone else who got caught dirty....well, I'd like to sell you some swamp land.

Are there dishonest cops? You bet there are. In LA, in New York, in KC, and probably a couple in Lawrence, Kansas. Does that mean that MOST of them are corrupt? No way in hell. No more than all gays are child molesters, or all African Americans are criminals or any other stereotype you want to throw into the mix. But for some reason, it seems to be okay to stereotype all cops as dirty.
I don't know if there are leadership problems within the LPD, cause I don't work for the LPD. (remember, obama, I'm a "something"......not an LPD) But I can tell you that 99% of the LPD folks I know are the most honest, caring people there are. Period. And I'd put their character and morals above the "average" person any day.
MichaelJ (Anonymous) says…

"Now MichaelJ,

You know that all he has to do is agree to participate in an undercover operational sting to bring down the Yellow house and he will get off, and maybe even get paid $50. Now who could turn down a deal like that!"

Gawd, when you talk like that it makes me so HOT!!!. KISS ME DAMMIT...RIGHT NOW!!!!!!

On Teen gets probation for auto burglaries
MichaelJ (Anonymous) says…

Wow, this is an interesting twist on things isn't it.
I wonder how many undercover FBI agents are lurking here, just waiting to assist in the massive conspiracy against YH.
"Mr. Ludwig perjured himself during testimony , and will be held accountable for his lies." my gosh, who HASN'T lied to frame poor YH? Anyone? If you haven't lied to hurt YH, please raise your hand. Anyone??????????????

On 2 plead guilty to selling stolen goods
MichaelJ (Anonymous) says…

I heard they once bought a KU Band Uniform from someone....would that be a tipoff that it might not be a kosher purchase? When did KU ever sell that kind of stuff? Someone told me they were kinda bitchy when they had to give the uniform back too! sheesh....

On Police swear in 5 officers
17 February 2008 at 4:49 p.m.

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MichaelJ (Anonymous) says…

Yellow House wrote: "The real FBI from Topeka is currently investigating the Yellow House complaints!"

I'll be the Kansas City FBI would be interested to know they aren't "real"!

On Police swear in 5 officers

23 September 2007 at 4 p.m.

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MichaelJ (Anonymous) says…

Wasn't it an undercover Coyote that LPD sent in to sell stolen property to Yellow House?

On Pet owners fear coyotes
MichaelJ (Anonymous) says…

Yellow House wrote: "The wonderful people at KLWN graciously gave us a copy of our indictment paper…And we are very thankful for everything they have done for us! And for thier support."

That is a quite different statement from: "So when the radio station called and asked us for a statement they told us they had a copy of the charges! But they would only let us see them if we agreed to give them an interview. How messed up is that? the corruption is so bad it smells like a dead skunk!"

On Authorities file new charges in Yellow House investigation

14 September 2007 at 1:43 p.m.

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MichaelJ (Anonymous) says…

Yellow House said
"...So when the radio station called and asked us for a statement they told us they had a copy of the charges! But they would only let us see them if we agreed to give them an interview. How messed up is that? the corruption is so bad it smells like a dead skunk!

We have to give an interview to the press to have a copy of our own indictment! So we went down and did the interview so we could get a copy of our charges! At the end of the interview we told the reporter ” Please let us know if there are any more charges we need to know about!”"

I was listening to KLWN, the Voice of Merrill, and they basically said Yellow House was full of it in the above post!

On Authorities file new charges in Yellow House investigation

7 July 2006 at 1:11 p.m.

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MichaelJ (Anonymous) says…

I remember going into Yellow House one time and saw a complete official KU Band Uniform hanging from the shelves. I really doubt KU sells those uniforms

On Officers seen removing items from Yellow House

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