Monday, February 18, 2008


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Local police have a total disregard for the publics safety at times.

When pulling people over just a few feet from the entrance of the store a police officer puts the business and its customers in danger.

This traffic stop is taking place today just a few feet from the entrance of this business.

Is this harassment?

Is there really no place else on Massachusetts street to pull people over?

What if this stop goes bad and gun fire happens?

A customer walking into the business or leaving the business could be killed! Someone inside the business could easily be hurt if this traffic stop goes bad.

It is a known statistic that 80% of the officers that are killed in the line of duty involve traffic stops. It is the most dangerous part of a police officers job.
Not only is this a danger to the public to have traffic stops in front of a business, it also is bad PR for the business. It also makes the business appear to be having problems with the police when the public drives by and see a police car with its lights flashing in the parking lot. Not to mention the parking lot is obstructed by the police business preventing paying customers from being able to be able to pull into the 4 stall parking lot.

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