Anatomy of a racist, Federal Indictment. An attempt by the Federal Government, hiding behind the power of the U.S. Kansas Department of Justice to show a black man and his White wife Quote "who is boss"!
(when Prosecuting attorney Terra Morehead was asked by Defense attorney James George why the Neighbors were being treated so harsh? Her reply was quote "Because the Neighbors need to be shown who is boss!" end quote. (could this be another way of saying..A black man and his white wife need to be put in their place?)
This false Indictment was fueled by racial profiling, Prosecutorial discriminatory behavior, and flat out racism.
This False Indictment was obtained after the Prosecuting attorney Marietta Parker presented false, coerced testimony by at least two convicted felons to a Grand Jury. One convicted felon gave perjured testimony to the Grand Jury falsely claiming that he had been trafficking guns and drugs through the Yellow House Business. This convicted felon did not know the defendants first name, yet claims that he and the defendants did over $30k in cash illegal deals.
Absolutely no evidence was obtained by police or prosecutors to substantiate this testimony. In exchange for this outrageous testimony this felon serving A 10 year sentence at the Winfield Correctional Facility was released from prison 8 years early.
Another Convicted Felon gave a ridiculous testimony to Grand Jury that he entered the Yellow House business, a business that is extremely busy, open to the public, and has police, family and children coming and going at any time during the day! He testified upon entering the business he could see little green hairy things behind the counter and hanging out of the defendants purse in plain sight.
These testimonies are an insult to the Courts, and a disgrace to the entire Justice System.
– One count of conspiracy:
Based on the fact they are husband and wife.
– 14 counts of wire fraud:
These counts are simply based on the fact that the defendants used the internet to sell merchandise. Although the investigation has revealed no victims in the case, and no positive identification of stolen property that would have been knowingly obtained by the defendants. The defendants have never participated in any kind of theft, nor have the defendants knowingly purchased any items from individuals with the knowledge of it being stolen.
The defendants have actively been involved with law enforcement over the years in various ways to help deter crime.
This includes taking personal identification information from sellers, and forwarding that information when needed to law enforcement. Alerting law enforcement about individuals of interest, Photographing individuals selling high end items to the business. Taking lists of stolen property from detectives working cases from several police departments on a weekly basis to help look for items. Taking information from victims to help them look for property that might come in the store. Using a Video surveillance system to provide recordings for future prosecutions.
After an in-depth investigation that spans from 2005-2007, lacking any evidence pointing to the defendants knowingly participating in any thefts or crimes relating to stolen property, the Postal Service decided to withdraw from the case.
Yet the prosecutor included the wire fraud charges in the case anyway.
– 4 counts of money laundering
There is no hidden cash in this case. All the money associated with the business is accounted for. The business was licensed through the Kansas Dept. of Revenue to sell cars with a variance in the license to sell the cars solely on the internet. The money from the sales of merchandise on eBay and other internet sites was reported along with the in store sales. An in-depth audit by the IRS of the businesses sales over a 5 year period shows that the business used an outside accounting agency, and worked closely with IRS agents to maintain high standards of excellence in the reporting of all sales to the Government. After an in-depth investigation that spans from 2005-2007, lacking any evidence that the defendants hid money or evaded paying taxes, the IRS decided to withdraw from the case.
Yet the prosecutor included Money Laundering in the case anyway.
The Lawrence Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation worked on the case. Assistant U.S. Attorney Marietta Parker is prosecuting.
The prosecutor with no Federal Agency to back up the outrageous charges falsely declares the case investigated by the FBI, and continues to bring discriminatory racially motivated prosecution to these defendants.
News releases are available at
www.usdoj.gov/usao/ks/press.html Contact: Jim Cross
PHONE: 316-269-6481
FAX: 316-269-6420
Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2007
KANSAS CITY, KAN. – Carrie Marie Neighbors, ??, ??, and Guy Madison Neighbors, ??, ??, are charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud, and money laundering in connection with the alleged sale of stolen goods.
The indictment alleges the Neighbors knowingly purchased stolen goods and resold them, conducting some of the transactions on E-bay. The crimes are alleged to have occurred at various times from Jan. 5, 2005, to Nov. 30, 2005 in Lawrence, Kan.
The 19-count indictment includes the following charges against each of the Neighbors:
– One count of conspiracy
– 14 counts of wire fraud
– 4 counts of money laundering
According to the indictment:
– Carrie Neighbors owned Yellow House Quality Appliance, Inc., at 1904 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Kan., and Guy Neighbors owned Yellow House at 1835 NW Topeka Boulevard, #131, in Topeka, Kan.
– Both stores bought and sold power tools, clothing, appliances, electronics and other personal property. Some of the items were resold over the Internet on e-Bay.
– The Neighbors had bank accounts at Commerce Bank and Intrust Bank in Lawrence.
– The neighbors purchased items, some of which were stolen, for resale. Some of the items were “new-in-the-box” and cost the Neighbors about 50 percent of their retail value.
– The Neighbors knowingly purchased stolen items from individuals identified in the indictment as L.P., N.P., J.L., M.A., P.N., S.B.C, T.K., N.B., and others. Checks paying for the stolen items carried notations including “tools,” “toothbrushes,” “mixer,” “computer monitor,” “drill sharpener,” “vacuum,” “Compaq Computer,” “fish finder,” and so on. Items purchased include a Trutech DVD system, a 2-gigabyte IPOD Nano, a portable DVD Player, a Garmin eTrex GPS Receiver and so on.
– The Neighbors transferred money and checks drawn on their bank accounts to purchase stolen property.
The indictment seeks a $525,000 money judgement, representing the proceeds from the alleged crimes.
Upon conviction, the alleged crimes carry the following penalties:
– Conspiracy: A maximum penalty of 5 years in federal prison and a fine up to $250,000.
– Wire fraud: A maximum penalty of 20 years in federal prison and a fine up to $250,000.
– Money laundering: A maximum penalty of 20 years and a fine up to $500,000.
The Lawrence Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation worked on the case. Assistant U.S. Attorney Marietta Parker is prosecuting.